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pkg/32079: pkgsrc can't handle spaces in $PATH when using su/sudo

>Number:         32079
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       Unprivileged installation of pkgsrc packages fails when 
>there's a space in $PATH
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Nov 15 15:45:00 +0000 2005
>Originator:     Peter Bex
>Release:        NetBSD 3.99.11
System: NetBSD 3.99.11 NetBSD 3.99.11 (LANGLY) #0: Tue Nov 8 
08:20:27 CET 2005 i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
        When you have a space in $PATH (which on systems like OS X isn't
        extremely uncommon), installing, deinstalling or any other
        operation that obtains root privileges by calling su/sudo when
        building as a nonprivileged user, will fail.

        For example (this example is on OS X, but should equally apply to
        any other OS):

        $ echo $PATH
 Scheme v209/bin
        $ bmake install
        ===> *** No /Volumes/Packages/pkgsrc/distfiles/pkg-vulnerabilities file 
        ===> *** skipping vulnerability checks. To fix, install
        ===> *** the pkgsrc/security/audit-packages package and run
        ===> *** '/usr/pkg/sbin/download-vulnerability-list'.
        ===> Installing for latex-mk-1.4
        ===> Becoming root%byers.local@localhost to install latex-mk.
        /usr/bin/sudo env: Scheme: No such file or directory
        *** Error code 127

        bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/print/latex-mk
        *** Error code 1

        bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/print/latex-mk

        Put a space somewhere in $PATH, then try to install or deinstall
        as an unprivileged user.  As soon as it's time to ask for the
        root password, make will fail.


Patch pkgsrc/mk/ with this:

---     Tue Nov 15 12:25:31 2005
+++  Tue Nov 15 16:32:05 2005
@@ -2814,7 +2814,7 @@
                fi;                                                     \
                ${ECHO_MSG} "${_PKGSRC_IN}> Becoming 
${ROOT_USER}@`${HOSTNAME_CMD}` to $$action ${PKGBASE}."; \
                ${ECHO_N} "`${ECHO} ${SU_CMD} | ${AWK} '{ print $$1 }'` ";\
-               ${SU_CMD} "cd ${.CURDIR}; ${SETENV} 
PATH=$${PATH}:${SU_CMD_PATH_APPEND} ${MAKE} $$args ${MAKEFLAGS} $$realtarget 
$$realflags"; \
+               ${SU_CMD} "cd ${.CURDIR}; ${SETENV} 
$$realtarget $$realflags"; \
 .PHONY: do-su-install


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