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Re: pkg/32456: missing dependency: vim-share and digest

The following reply was made to PR pkg/32456; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Jeremy C. Reed" <>
Subject: Re: pkg/32456: missing dependency: vim-share and digest
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 10:23:44 -0800 (PST)

 On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 wrote:
 >> Description:
 > In pkgsrc, unable to properly download vim-share in the
 > absence of "digest"; complaint is:
 > /usr/pkg/bin/digest: not found
 > => Checksum failure - trying next site.
 >> How-To-Repeat:
 > Try to install vim-share from sources without first installing digest.
 >> Fix:
 > Workaround: install "digest" before "vim-share".
 > Fix: add "digest" to the dependency list for the "vim-share" package.
 pkgsrc should handle this automatically. pkgsrc will check to see if the 
 digest is recent enough (or existing) and if not wil build and install it.
 I am guessing there is some type of corruption (maybe missing files) in 
 your pkgsrc or some how the DIGEST or LOCALBASE got redefined.
 I'd start by making sure your pkgsrc is up-to-date with "cvs up -dP" and 
 carefully check the cvs output for conflicts, modifications or errors.
 Then "make clean" in vim-share and try again.
   Jeremy C. Reed
                         Media Relations and Publishing Services

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