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pkg/32466: Directory missing in databases/phpmyadmin

        Note: There was a bad value `' for the field `Class'.
        It was set to the default value of `sw-bug'.

>Number:         32466
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       Missing libraries/import in Makefile
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Jan 06 15:35:01 +0000 2006
>Release:        NetBSD 2.99.11
XIQIT GmbH, Aachen <> 
System: NetBSD amelie 2.99.11 NetBSD 2.99.11 (AMELIE) #0: Mon Dec 6 11:04:49 
CET 2004 root@amelie:/home/build/sys/arch/i386/compile/AMELIE i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
        Because of a missing entry libraries/import in the INSTALL_DIRS target,
        it's impossible to import data into the MySQL server. 
        Install phpMyAdmin
        Add libraries/import to the INSTALL_DIRS target. 


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