No. Apache includes PLUGS for ssl... but not the SSL itself. First 4 lines of Makefile contain this explanation : # $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.187 2006/07/19 22:45:14 wiz Exp $ # # This pkg does not compile in mod_ssl, only the `mod_ssl EAPI' (a set of # code hooks that allow mod_ssl to be compiled separately later, if desired). Gilles. wrote:
Synopsis: After update to Apache 1.3.36, building ap-ssl fails State-Changed-From-To: open->closed State-Changed-By: State-Changed-When: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 17:26:52 +0000 State-Changed-Why: Fixed, thanks. I wonder why this package is necessary though, isn't ssl support included in the apache package itself anyway?
--/*Gilles Gravier*/ *=* ** <> *=* ** ICQ : *77488526* <> * || *MSN Messenger : <>* *Skype : ggravier <callto://ggravier>* || *Y! : ggravier <> || AOL : gillesgravier <aim:goim?screenname=gillesgravier> PGP Key ID : *0x8DE6D026* <>
"Chastity is its own punishment." (/Solomon Short/) [/David Gerrold/]"De toutes les aberrations sexuelles, la chasteté est la plus aberrante." [Anatole France]
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