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pkg/35677: librsync patch for no progress error large files

>Number:         35677
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       librsync patch for no progress error large files
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Feb 17 20:40:01 +0000 2007
>Originator:     Andreas Wrede
>Release:        NetBSD 4.0_BETA2
Andreas Wrede              Planix, Inc.         Networking, System Administration, 
Consulting      Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"The steady state of disks is full."
                               -- Ken Thompson
System: NetBSD 4.0_BETA2 NetBSD 4.0_BETA2 (PLANIX.MPACPI) #56: 
Thu Jan 25 23:30:23 EST 2007

Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
        librsync will stall on transfers of files over 4 Gb, esp. between 32 
<-> 64 bit hosts. See

  run rdiff-backup between a NetBSD/amd64 and NetBSD/i386 machine. Observe 
stalled process.
Two patch files for pkgsrc/devel/librsync/patches:

--- mdfour.h.orig    2004-02-08 10:17:57.000000000 +1100
+++ mdfour.h  2006-02-27 14:35:26.086597250 +1100
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "types.h"

 struct rs_mdfour {
-    int                 A, B, C, D;
+    unsigned int        A, B, C, D;
 #if HAVE_UINT64
     uint64_t            totalN;

--- patch.c.orig        2007-01-27 19:06:40.000000000 -0500
+++ patch.c     2007-01-27 19:08:09.000000000 -0500
@@ -214,12 +214,12 @@
     void            *buf, *ptr;
     rs_buffers_t    *buffs = job->stream;
-    len = job->basis_len;
     /* copy only as much as will fit in the output buffer, so that we
      * don't have to block or store the input. */
-    if (len > buffs->avail_out)
+    if (job->basis_len > buffs->avail_out)
         len = buffs->avail_out;
+    else
+        len = job->basis_len;
     if (!len)
         return RS_BLOCKED;


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