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pkg/37431: OpenLDAP wreckage with bdb and ldbm backend

>Number:         37431
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       Total wreckage of OpenLDAP in current versions
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Nov 25 14:50:00 +0000 2007
>Originator:     Tonnerre Lombard
>Release:        NetBSD 3.1
BSD projects network
System: NetBSD 3.1 NetBSD 3.1 
(GENERIC) #0: Tue Oct 31 04:27:07 UTC 2006
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
        The current version of OpenLDAP from pkgsrc is purely impossible to
        use due to several bugs, the first of which is:

        When using the BerkeleyDB backend, slapd fails to create its own
        database with the following output:

        bdb(dc=ngas,dc=ch): Berkeley DB library configured to support only 
private environments
        bdb_db_open: Database cannot be opened, err 22. Restore from backup!
        bdb(dc=ngas,dc=ch): DB_ENV->lock_id_free interface requires an 
environment configured for the locking subsystem
        bdb(dc=ngas,dc=ch): txn_checkpoint interface requires an environment 
configured for the transaction subsystem
        bdb_db_close: txn_checkpoint failed: Invalid argument (22)
        backend_startup_one: bi_db_open failed! (22)
        bdb_db_close: alock_close failed

        However, since there is no database yet, clearly there is also no
        backup to restore from. However, I copied a version of a BerkeleyDB
        from some place which used the previous version from pkgsrc which
        worked (once upon a time), and ran the restore program on it so I
        got a clean database. However, executing any type of search request
        instantly crashes the slapd.

        Using the ldbm backend yields better results at first (i.e. slapd
        starts), but while it has indeed worked in an older environment
        (openldap-server-2.3.38, db4-, NetBSD 4.0_RC1), trying to
        add data using ldapadd blocks after adding the first entry, and the
        slapd doesn't even react on SIGTERM then, it has to be killed using
        SIGKILL. However, occasionally, this corrupts the database, and
        ldbm format databases are really ugly to restore.

        All in all, let me sum it up: completely wrecked.
        Install OpenLDAP and try to use it



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