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pkg/38831: textproc/p5-XML-Atom and textproc/p5-XML-Feed: need user's interaction even if BATCH=yes

>Number:         38831
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       textproc/p5-XML-Atom and textproc/p5-XML-Feed: need user's 
>interaction even if BATCH=yes
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jun 02 09:35:00 +0000 2008
>Originator:     Aleksey Cheusov
>Release:        linux
textproc/p5-XML-Atom and textproc/p5-XML-Feed: need user's interaction even if 
BATCH=yes. This bug is critical for bulk builds.
Details are below.

pkgsrc-2:/srv/pkgsrc/textproc/p5-XML-Atom# /usr/pkg/bin/bmake configure 
DEPENDS_TARGET=bin-install BATCH=yes            
=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20010302: found digest-20080510
=> Bootstrap dependency tnftp-[0-9]*: found tnftp-20070806
=> Bootstrap dependency checkperms>=1.1: found checkperms-1.10
===> Configuring for p5-XML-Atom-0.28
=> Checking for portability problems in extracted files
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- MIME::Base64             ...loaded. (3.07)
- URI                      ...loaded. (1.36)
- Class::Data::Inheritable ...loaded. (0.08)
- XML::LibXML              ...loaded. (1.66 >= 1.64)
[Pure perl XML parsing with XML::XPath]
- XML::XPath               ...loaded. (1.13)
[Client/Server for Atom API]
- LWP                      ...loaded. (5.812)
- LWP::Authen::Wsse        ...loaded. (0.05)
- Digest::SHA1             ...loaded. (2.11)
- DateTime                 ...missing.
==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [y] 

If bmake is run with < /dev/null, logs look like the following
pkgsrc-2:/srv/pkgsrc/textproc/p5-XML-Atom# bmake ...
First, pick a nearby continent and country (you can pick several of
each, separated by spaces, or none if you just want to keep your
existing selections). Then, you will be presented with a list of URLs
of CPAN mirrors in the countries you selected, along with previously
selected URLs. Select some of those URLs, or just keep the old list.
Finally, you will be prompted for any extra URLs -- file:, ftp:, or
http: -- that host a CPAN mirror.

(1) Africa
(2) Asia
(3) Central America
(4) Europe
(5) North America
(6) Oceania
(7) South America
Select your continent (or several nearby continents) [] 
Sorry! since you don't have any existing picks, you must make a
geographic selection.

(1) Africa
(2) Asia
(3) Central America
(4) Europe
(5) North America
(6) Oceania
(7) South America
Select your continent (or several nearby continents) [] 
Sorry! since you don't have any existing picks, you must make a
geographic selection.

(1) Africa
(2) Asia
(3) Central America
(4) Europe
(5) North America
(6) Oceania
(7) South America
Select your continent (or several nearby continents) [] 
Sorry! since you don't have any existing picks, you must make a
geographic selection.

Behaviour of textproc/p5-XML-Feed is the same.



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