On Thu, 1 Sep 2011, OBATA Akio wrote:
>> Description: > patch-aa disables the build of giflib binaries > gif2epsn gif2ps gif2rgb gifasm gifbg gifburst gifclip gifclrmp gifcolor gifcomb gifcompose giffiltr giffix gifflip gifhisto gifinfo gifinter gifinto gifovly gifpos gifrotat gifrsize gifspnge giftext gifwedge icon2gif raw2gif rgb2gif text2gif You can install those tools from graphics/libungif. > Add these binaries and docs to graphics/giflib similar to graphics/libungif It result in conflict between two packages.
yes, graphics/giflib and graphics/libungif excludes each other. At the moment only graphics/libungif includes the bin and doc files.But, I need at the same time graphics/giflib as dependency of editor/emacs and some gif binaries as helper for fuzzyocr.
Best regards, Uwe