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pkg/49009: x11/kde-workspace4, x11/kde-baseapps4 need newer GCC on netbsd-5/i386

>Number:         49009
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       x11/kde-workspace4, x11/kde-baseapps4 need newer GCC on 
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Jul 17 19:10:00 +0000 2014
>Originator:     John D. Baker
>Release:        NetBSD/i386-5.2_STABLE, pksgsrc-2014Q2
Building "x11/kde-workspace4" fails on netbsd-5/i386 using native gcc
4.1.3 with lots of warnings about type mismatches and implicit
conversions.  It eventually fails when it can't find some function or

Adding "x11/kde-workspace4" to my list of packages for which
"GCC_REQD+=4.6" is defined silences all of these warnings and allows
the package to build and install successfully.

Likewise, building "x11/kde-baseapps4" fails linking with undefined
references to a myriad of C++ mangled identifiers.  This behavior
was seen in a previous package (and thus a previous PR).

Adding "x11/kde-baseapps4" to my list of packages for which
"GCC_REQD+=4.6" is defined allows the package to build and install

Attempt to build "x11/kde-workspace4" or "x11/kde-baseapps4" from
pkgsrc-2014Q2 with netbsd-5/i386 native gcc 4.1.3.

Make clean, add something like:

  .if "${PKGPATH}" == "x11/kde-workspace4" || \
      "${PKGPATH}" == "x11/kde-baseapps4"
    GCC_REQD+=4.5     # or 4.6 or later

to /etc/mk.conf and build again.
"x11/kde-workspace4" and "x11/kde-baseapps4" need "GCC_REQD+=4.5" for
netbsd-5/i386 (or later for some platforms).

(I see a possible fix has been committed for packages depending on
"devel/boost-libs" via "devel/boost-libs/".  Will try
it ASAP.)

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