On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 18:27:54 +0900, Leonardo Taccari <iamleot%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
Hello OBATA, "OBATA Akio" writes:It will hide build issue, but kill applications using WebKit via GObject introspection.I did not know that, thank you and sorry for the noise (it seems that various webkit browsers does not depends from gobject-introspection directly, e.g. wip/vimb, altough at least gstreamer1, gst-plugins1-base and libsecret depends on it and as you explained this will problaby kill the webkit-gtk applications).
For gstreamer1, gst-plugins1-base and libsecret, such packages probably have unwanted runtime dependency on gobject-introspection, just required to build *.typelib and *.gir. GObject is mainly used with scripting languages, Perl with devel/p5-Glib-Object-Introspection, Python with devel/py-gobject3, Ruby with devel/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection, and so on. If GObject is not provided, C/C++ based language binding modules must be required to use WebKit with such scripting languages. -- OBATA Akio / obata%lins.jp@localhost