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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/www/py-wsproto py-wsproto: updated to 0.14.0

branches:  trunk
changeset: 322057:db7b30d25da5
user:      adam <>
date:      Sun Apr 07 15:58:32 2019 +0000

py-wsproto: updated to 0.14.0

* Bugfix clarify subprotocol type as str not bytes.
* Support HTTP/2 WebSockets. This requires a HTTP/2 parser (not
  included), with hyper-h2 recommended. It renames
  handshake_extensions and hence is a breaking change.
* Bugfix badly formatted type hints.
* Bugfix minor issues identified by type checking.

* Introduce a send method on the conenction which accepts the new
  events. This requires the following usage changes, ::
    connection.accept(subprotocol=subprotocol) -> connection.send(AcceptConnection(subprotocol=subprotocol))
    connection.send_data(data) -> connection.send(Message(payload=payload))
    connection.close(code) -> connection.send(CloseConnection(code=code)) -> connection.send(Ping())
    connection.pong() -> connection.send(Pong())

* The Event structure is altered to allow for events to be sent and
  received, this requires the following name changes in existing code, ::
    ConnectionRequested -> Request
    ConnectionEstablished -> AcceptConnection
    ConnectionClosed -> CloseConnection
    DataReceived -> Message
    TextReceived -> TextMessage
    BytesReceived -> BytesMessage
    PingReceived -> Ping
    PongReceived -> Pong

* Introduce RejectConnection and RejectData events to be used by a
  server connection to reject rather than accept a connection or by a
  client connection to emit the rejection response. The RejectData
  event represents the rejection response body, if present.
* Add an extra_headers field to the AcceptConnection event in order to
  customise the acceptance response in server mode or to emit this
  information in client mode.
* Switch from Fail events being returned to RemoteProtocolErrors being
* Switch from ValueErrors to LocalProtocolErrors being raised when
  an action is taken that is incompatible with the connection state or
  websocket standard.
* Enforce version checking in SERVER mode, only 13 is supported.
* Add an event_hint to RemoteProtocolErrors to hint at how to respond
  to issues.
* Switch from a bytes_to_send method to the send method
  returning the bytes to send directly. Responses to Ping and Close
  messages must now be sent (via send), with the Ping and
  CloseConnection events gaining a response method. This
  allows ::
    if isinstance(event, Ping):
        bytes_to_send = connection.send(event.response())
* Separate the handshake from the active connection handling. This
  allows the handshake and connection to be seperately used. By
  default though WSConnection does both.
* receive_bytes is renamed to receive_data and
  WSConnection should be imported from wsproto rather than

* Support h11 ~0.8.1.
* Support Python 3.7.
* Make the close-handshake more explicit, by sending a close frame on
  reciept of a close frame.
* Bugfix fix deflate after a non-compressable message.
* Bugfix connection header acceptance, by accepting Connection header
  values that are comma separated lists.


 www/py-wsproto/Makefile               |  10 ++++++----
 www/py-wsproto/PLIST                  |   8 +++++++-
 www/py-wsproto/distinfo               |  12 ++++++------
 www/py-wsproto/patches/ |  26 ++++++++++++++++----------
 4 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diffs (109 lines):

diff -r 9e36e321ffdd -r db7b30d25da5 www/py-wsproto/Makefile
--- a/www/py-wsproto/Makefile   Sun Apr 07 13:20:41 2019 +0000
+++ b/www/py-wsproto/Makefile   Sun Apr 07 15:58:32 2019 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2018/02/27 06:57:26 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2019/04/07 15:58:32 adam Exp $
-DISTNAME=      wsproto-0.11.0
+DISTNAME=      wsproto-0.14.0
 CATEGORIES=    www python
@@ -11,14 +11,16 @@
 LICENSE=       mit
 DEPENDS+=      ${PYPKGPREFIX}-h11>=0.7.0:../../www/py-h11
+TEST_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-runner-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-test-runner
 .include "../../lang/python/"
-.if "${PYPKGPREFIX}" == "py27"
+.if ${_PYTHON_VERSION} == 27
 DEPENDS+=      ${PYPKGPREFIX}-enum34>=1.0.4:../../devel/py-enum34
 .include "../../lang/python/"
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 9e36e321ffdd -r db7b30d25da5 www/py-wsproto/PLIST
--- a/www/py-wsproto/PLIST      Sun Apr 07 13:20:41 2019 +0000
+++ b/www/py-wsproto/PLIST      Sun Apr 07 15:58:32 2019 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.1 2018/02/26 12:09:18 leot Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2019/04/07 15:58:32 adam Exp $
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
diff -r 9e36e321ffdd -r db7b30d25da5 www/py-wsproto/distinfo
--- a/www/py-wsproto/distinfo   Sun Apr 07 13:20:41 2019 +0000
+++ b/www/py-wsproto/distinfo   Sun Apr 07 15:58:32 2019 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2018/02/26 12:09:18 leot Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2019/04/07 15:58:32 adam Exp $
-SHA1 (wsproto-0.11.0.tar.gz) = acfb9cd1c58ed2573843a6390d03fdfe808c6fed
-RMD160 (wsproto-0.11.0.tar.gz) = cdf698bd685916b2c27f1b40394174cd2773dcc0
-SHA512 (wsproto-0.11.0.tar.gz) = 583e030dc88971b3733e5e84e5fbaa70d6043d01485cabbbf45470baa31e4f511aea55e108132fc298aeae0031542af7bdd22b7ae25b11832179025a2fde4bdd
-Size (wsproto-0.11.0.tar.gz) = 41179 bytes
-SHA1 ( = 6c229f58d9dd44a46322c849535a2d9ad657ac1d
+SHA1 (wsproto-0.14.0.tar.gz) = 7a8de9f54c2bea675f673c4c344a81c59ac3412c
+RMD160 (wsproto-0.14.0.tar.gz) = 525936c256da69977097490353c2feaf18978285
+SHA512 (wsproto-0.14.0.tar.gz) = 91ffc51229434b8a3c1517b22a082dce0078e38e0f5e7ad016aca9b4d4f2a77c2f9901ea9227e80e61009e70d3ffebb44ed9ae4c988d54a9807b45076e81d43f
+Size (wsproto-0.14.0.tar.gz) = 51540 bytes
+SHA1 ( = bf4b6885ce51d8ea1bd95c0eb98b16bec60f25d2
diff -r 9e36e321ffdd -r db7b30d25da5 www/py-wsproto/patches/
--- a/www/py-wsproto/patches/     Sun Apr 07 13:20:41 2019 +0000
+++ b/www/py-wsproto/patches/     Sun Apr 07 15:58:32 2019 +0000
@@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
-$NetBSD:,v 1.1 2018/02/26 12:09:18 leot Exp $
+$NetBSD:,v 1.2 2019/04/07 15:58:33 adam Exp $
+Do not install tests.
 Avoid too strict version requirements.
----      2017-12-31 17:19:40.000000000 +0000
+---      2018-09-23 11:26:23.000000000 +0000
-@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ setup(
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ setup(
+     author='Benno Rice',
+     author_email='',
+     url='',
+-    packages=find_packages(),
++    packages=find_packages(exclude=['test']),
+     package_data={'': ['LICENSE', 'README.rst']},
+     package_dir={'wsproto': 'wsproto'},
+     include_package_data=True,
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ setup(
          'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy',
--        'h11 ~= 0.7.0',  # means: 0.7.x where x >= 0
-+        'h11>=0.7.0',
+-        'h11 ~= 0.8.1',  # means: 0.8.x where x >= 1
++        'h11>=0.8.1',
-         ':python_version == "2.7" or python_version == "3.3"':
--            ['enum34>=1.0.4, <2'],
-+            ['enum34>=1.0.4'],
-     }
- )
+         ':python_version == "2.7"':

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