Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/misc/udfclient
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: pkgsrc-changes
Date: 09/23/2003 19:02:25
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: reinoud
Date: Tue Sep 23 19:02:25 UTC 2003
Update of /cvsroot/pkgsrc/misc/udfclient
In directory
Log Message:
Initial import of udfclient package written by Reinoud Zandijk
It features a read-only userland implementation for now and is accompanied
by small helper programs that can describe the CD/DVD media into detail.
Vendor Tag: TNF
Release Tags: pkgsrc-base
N pkgsrc/misc/udfclient/Makefile
N pkgsrc/misc/udfclient/PLIST
N pkgsrc/misc/udfclient/distinfo
N pkgsrc/misc/udfclient/DESCR
No conflicts created by this import