Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/audio/bmp
To: Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: pkgsrc-changes
Date: 04/14/2004 17:21:10
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On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 04:59:38PM +0200, Julio M. Merino Vidal wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 15:14:20 +0200, Lubomir Sedlacik wrote:
> >
> > as stated in the PR:
> >=20
> >  "I've diffed bmp 0.9.6 and, the changes are very very
> >  minimal, they've just incorporated patch-af, so it's no longer used
> >  and thus removed by my patch"
> As I understood, it included patch-af *aside* other fixes; I didn't
> check the distfiles myself, but I checked the ChangeLog (which didn't
> make this better).

the "other" fixes are very simple oneliners related to the process of
creating a distribution file, pkgsrc (and end-user at all)-unrelated.
well, it's not a rocket science when even the submitter himself says
"they've just incorporated patch-af"..

> > now we have two identical packages with different version numbers,
> > confused people who upgrade for no reason, waster space on ftp,
> > unnecessary revisions in cvs, just for a sake of "blindly committing
> > a random from a PR".
        eww, patch

> I don't commit any patch from PRs without prior testing, so it's not
> "blindly".

by "blindly" i meant "without considering possible consequences" in this

> > did you even bother to read the PR trail before committing?
> Of course.

i meant my reply in the Audit-Trail: section, which was there before
your actual commit, which asked the submitter about the point of the PR
at all.  i exchanged few mails with him in private (since he replied to
my mail that way) and agreed the PR could be closed without applying the
patch, only to come and see you committed in meanwhile..  i should have
set it to "feedback" state, perhaps, but i expected anyone looking at
the PR to actually read it..

> Thanks for those explanations.  I didn't think about them, ever (so
> yet one other thing to consider in the future).

you're welcome, i make mistakes too.  i think it's about the time to cut
this thread, i hope you don't take it as a personal offense ;).  (and
others at least got some more ideas what to think about before
committing changes).


-- Lubomir Sedlacik <salo@{NetBSD,Xtrmntr,silcnet}.org>   --

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