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CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy

Module Name:    pkgsrc
Committed By:   adam
Date:           Wed Jan 22 08:19:30 UTC 2025

Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy: Makefile distinfo

Log Message:
py-sqlalchemy: updated to 2.0.37


Released: January 9, 2025

[orm] [bug]

Fixed issue regarding Union types that would be present in the registry.type_annotation_map of a registry or declarative base class, where a Mapped element that included one of the subtypes present 
in that Union would be matched to that entry, potentially ignoring other entries that matched exactly. The correct behavior now takes place such that an entry should only match in 
registry.type_annotation_map exactly, as a Union type is a self-contained type. For example, an attribute with Mapped[float] would previously match to a registry.type_annotation_map entry 
Union[float, Decimal]; this will no longer match and will now only match to an entry that states float. Pull request courtesy Frazer McLean.

[orm] [bug]

Fixed bug in how type unions were handled within registry.type_annotation_map as well as Mapped that made the lookup behavior of a | b different from that of Union[a, b].

[orm] [bug]

Consistently handle TypeAliasType (defined in PEP 695) obtained with the type X = int syntax introduced in python 3.12. Now in all cases one such alias must be explicitly added to the type map for it 
to be usable inside Mapped. This change also revises the approach added in 11305, now requiring the TypeAliasType to be added to the type map. Documentation on how unions and type alias types are 
handled by SQLAlchemy has been added in the Customizing the Type Map section of the documentation.

[orm] [bug]

Fixed regression caused by an internal code change in response to recent Mypy releases that caused the very unusual case of a list of ORM-mapped attribute expressions passed to ColumnOperators.in_() 
to no longer be accepted.

[orm] [bug]

Fixed issues in type handling within the registry.type_annotation_map feature which prevented the use of unions, using either pep-604 or Union syntaxes under future annotations mode, which contained 
multiple generic types as elements from being correctly resolvable.

[orm] [bug]

Fixed issue in event system which prevented an event listener from being attached and detached from multiple class-like objects, namely the sessionmaker or scoped_session targets that assign to 
Session subclasses.


[sql] [bug]

Fixed issue in “lambda SQL” feature where the tracking of bound parameters could be corrupted if the same lambda were evaluated across multiple compile phases, including when using the same lambda 
across multiple engine instances or with statement caching disabled.


[postgresql] [usecase]

The Range type now supports Range.__contains__(). Pull request courtesy of Frazer McLean.

[postgresql] [bug]

Fixes issue in Dialect.get_multi_indexes() in the PostgreSQL dialect, where an error would be thrown when attempting to use alembic with a vector index from the extension.

[postgresql] [bug]

Fixed issue where creating a table with a primary column of SmallInteger and using the asyncpg driver would result in the type being compiled to SERIAL rather than SMALLSERIAL.

[postgresql] [bug]

Adjusted the asyncpg dialect so that an empty SQL string, which is valid for PostgreSQL server, may be successfully processed at the dialect level, such as when using Connection.exec_driver_sql(). 
Pull request courtesy Andrew Jackson.


[mysql] [usecase] [mariadb]

Added support for the LIMIT clause with DELETE for the MySQL and MariaDB dialects, to complement the already present option for UPDATE. The Delete.with_dialect_options() method of the delete() 
construct accepts parameters for mysql_limit and mariadb_limit, allowing users to specify a limit on the number of rows deleted. Pull request courtesy of Pablo Nicolás Estevez.

[mysql] [bug] [mariadb]

Added logic to ensure that the mysql_limit and mariadb_limit parameters of Update.with_dialect_options() and Delete.with_dialect_options() when compiled to string will only compile if the parameter 
is passed as an integer; a ValueError is raised otherwise.


[mariadb] [usecase]

Added sql types INET4 and INET6 in the MariaDB dialect. Pull request courtesy Adam Žurek.


[sqlite] [usecase]

Added SQLite table option to enable STRICT tables. Pull request courtesy of Guilherme Crocetti.


[oracle] [feature]

Added new table option oracle_tablespace to specify the TABLESPACE option when creating a table in Oracle. This allows users to define the tablespace in which the table should be created. Pull 
request courtesy of Miguel Grillo.

[oracle] [usecase]

Use the connection attribute max_identifier_length available in oracledb since version 2.5 when determining the identifier length in the Oracle dialect.

[oracle] [bug]

Fixed compilation of TABLE function when used in a FROM clause in Oracle Database dialect.

[oracle] [bug]

Fixed issue in oracledb / cx_oracle dialects where output type handlers for CLOB were being routed to NVARCHAR rather than VARCHAR, causing a double conversion to take place.

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.82 -r1.83 pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/Makefile
cvs rdiff -u -r1.72 -r1.73 pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/distinfo

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

Modified files:

Index: pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/Makefile
diff -u pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/Makefile:1.82 pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/Makefile:1.83
--- pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/Makefile:1.82        Mon Nov 11 07:27:58 2024
+++ pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/Makefile     Wed Jan 22 08:19:30 2025
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.82 2024/11/11 07:27:58 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.83 2025/01/22 08:19:30 adam Exp $
-DISTNAME=      sqlalchemy-2.0.36
+DISTNAME=      sqlalchemy-2.0.37
 CATEGORIES=    databases python

Index: pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/distinfo
diff -u pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/distinfo:1.72 pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/distinfo:1.73
--- pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/distinfo:1.72        Sat Oct 19 16:14:34 2024
+++ pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy/distinfo     Wed Jan 22 08:19:30 2025
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.72 2024/10/19 16:14:34 adam Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.73 2025/01/22 08:19:30 adam Exp $
-BLAKE2s (sqlalchemy-2.0.36.tar.gz) = dd72c0449babeef1d1d4741d97c4c16d81443c895669ea28105c5910acdf326a
-SHA512 (sqlalchemy-2.0.36.tar.gz) = 480fa9893d20806127f6b060726210e32989af92439ff445066aebfc931453eb8c05b5f8497582fcdb897f8e9e70243f092f46e06d7dfe49301ab71ada4eebda
-Size (sqlalchemy-2.0.36.tar.gz) = 9574485 bytes
+BLAKE2s (sqlalchemy-2.0.37.tar.gz) = 11279eb993e85e20cedff3c8c8657f91ad47c781a254958b4e12a38cadef2ed3
+SHA512 (sqlalchemy-2.0.37.tar.gz) = ea83a9cc1bcd69424d8f0b6c0f2195ac2c7c77ad92187d9f83e1c0d02fbd0bc8b75973c1849757283434041f073994ed235dc9d520c24f21bd72b4cd20a51a5c
+Size (sqlalchemy-2.0.37.tar.gz) = 9626249 bytes

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