Subject: Re.: cross compiling shells/bash2
To: None <>
From: David H.Gutteridge <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 05/15/2006 21:28:24
>I've cross-compiled kernel, ramdisks, and /usr/src for NetBSD on shark/arm32
>building on NetBSD/x86 but I can't seem to get any packages cross-compiled;
>and it almost looks like I can't come up with the right keywords to have any
>of the search engines find me a useful link.

As far as I know, one cannot cross-compile pkgsrc right now.  This is the most
recent link I could dig up on this question:

Also note there's a presentation referenced from pkgsrcCon 2004, as below
("Cross-building packages"), but no presentation available online (that I could
