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Re: Update Problem

Am 20.04.2010 um 08:11 schrieb Alistair Crooks:

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 02:15:11AM +0200, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 02:10:05AM +0200, Alistair Crooks wrote:
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 02:33:14PM +0200, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 04:17:52AM +0200, Alistair Crooks wrote:
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 07:07:19PM +0200, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 05:56:33PM +0200, Alistair Crooks wrote:
''make replace'' should only be used in the absence of shlib major bumps - a major bump will render you binaries that will not work - since the packaging tools have been modified to use libfetch (sigh)
and libarchive, that is now a consideration.
What are you talking about?
which bit did you have trouble with?
The bit where you drag pkg_install in.
Come on, keep up...

% ldd `which pkg_add`
       -lterminfo.1 => /lib/
       -lc.12 => /lib/
       -lfetch.3 => /usr/lib/
       -lssl.8 => /usr/lib/
       -lcrypto.6 => /lib/
       -lcrypt.1 => /lib/
       -larchive.3 => /usr/lib/
       -lbz2.1 => /usr/lib/
       -lz.1 => /lib/
Note that there are no libraries from pkgsrc...
Heh, true, yes.

For NetBSD-current, anyway.
Actually, this setup broke my NetBSD-5.0.2 system after the upgrade  
from 1.6.2 and associated pkgsrc.  I had to rm /usr/*bin/pkg* and use  
pkg* from /usr/pkg/ to reconstruct the messed up database...
What would have been the correct way, i.e. which packages should be  
deleted and replaced with system delivered binaries.
Which packages actually don't work anymore, and how to properly  
upgrade all installed packages from source automatically without  
rebuilding gnome e.a. 30 times?
nixalsverdrus# pkg_info | grep pkg
pkgdiff-0.122 Tools to create, maintain and send back patches for pkgsrc
pkg_chk-2.0         Check installed package versions against pkgsrc
lintpkgsrc-4.82     Sanity checks on the complete pkgsrc tree
p5-pkgsrc-Dewey-1.1 Perl module to compare pkgsrc Dewey numbers
pkg_comp-1.31       Build packages inside a chroot jail
pkgdep-1.0 Script for displaying dependence information on software pac
pkg_tarup-1.8       Generates binary package(s) from installed pkg(s)
pkg_alternatives-1.5 Generic wrappers for programs with similar interfaces
pkg-config-0.23nb1  System for managing library compile/link flags
pkg_distinst-0.02 Remove any distfiles not belonging to an installed package
pkg_filecheck-0.4   Check for files not owned by any package
revbump-2.0 Tools for bumping PKGREVISIONs (for pkgsrc developers) pkg_install-20100319 Package management and administration tools for pkgsrc
pkg_install-info-4.5nb3 Standalone GNU info file installation utility
pkg_leaves-1.2      Print leaf packages
pkg_regress-0.2     Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
url2pkg-2.12        Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
genrpm-1.1 Generate an RPM package from an installed pkgsrc package xpkgwedge-1.16 Allows X11 pkgs to be built and used outside of $ {X11BASE}
pkgdepgraph-2.8     Visual representation of installed NetBSD packages
rpm2pkg-2.3         Convert RPM archives to NetBSD packages
pkgin- Apt / yum like tool for managing pkgsrc binary packages pkgsurvey-0.0 Utility to collate pkg information, and mail to central cens
pkglint-4.93        Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgse-0.3nb1 Fetch informations about a NetBSD package from pkgsrc.netbsd pkg_notify-0.4.3 Notifies package maintainer when a new version is available
pkg_select-20090308nb2 Curses based pkgsrc system browser / manager
pkgsrc-todo-1.0     Tools for maintaing pkgsrc/doc/TODO
pkg_rolling-replace-0.21 Replace/upgrade packages in-place
verifypc-1.4 Sanity check package dependencies according to pkg- config
pkgclean-20051116   Quickly clean up all work directories in pkgsrc
pkgfind-20050804    Find packages by package name in pkgsrc
port2pkg-1.11nb7    Convert from a FreeBSD port to a NetBSD package

nixalsverdrus# lintpkgsrc -i
Scan Makefiles: 8775 packages
Version mismatch: 'PAM' 0.77nb1 vs 0.77nb5
Version mismatch: 'amanda-client' 2.4.4p4 vs 2.5.2p1nb2
Version mismatch: 'amanda-common' 2.4.4p4 vs 2.5.2p1nb2
Unknown package: 'ap22-suphp' version 0.6.3
Version mismatch: 'aperture' 2.0nb1 vs 2.0nb7
Version mismatch: 'arc' 5.21e vs 5.21o
Version mismatch: 'asclock' 1.0 vs 1.0nb1
Version mismatch: 'aspell' 0.50.5nb1 vs 0.60.6nb1
Version mismatch: 'cpuburn' 1.4nb2 vs 1.4nb4
Version mismatch: 'cvs' 1.11nb1 vs 1.11.23
Version mismatch: 'db3' 3.11.2 vs 3.11.2nb4
Version mismatch: 'docbook' 4.2 vs 4.4nb3
Version mismatch: 'dsssl-docbook-modular' 1.57 vs 1.79nb3
Version mismatch: 'dvipng' 1.11nb4 vs 1.12nb1
Version mismatch: 'expat' 1.95.8nb1 vs 2.0.1nb2
Version mismatch: 'ffcall' 1.10 vs 1.10nb2
Version mismatch: 'fontconfig' 2.2.96 vs 2.8.0
Version mismatch: 'freetype2' 2.1.9 vs 2.3.12
Version mismatch: 'gcc' 2.95.3 vs 2.95.3nb7
Version mismatch: 'gettext-lib' 0.10.35nb1 vs 0.14.6
Version mismatch: 'ghostscript-fonts' 6.0 vs 8.11nb2
Version mismatch: 'gimp-print-lib' 4.2.6 vs 4.2.7nb2
Version mismatch: 'glib2' 2.22.3 vs 2.22.5
Version mismatch: 'gnome-audio' 2.0.0nb1 vs 2.22.2
Unknown package: 'gnome-pixmaps' version 1.4.2nb1
Version mismatch: 'gnustep-make' 1.9.2 vs 2.0.8nb3
Version mismatch: 'gnustep-objc' 1.3.0 vs 1.6.0nb2
Version mismatch: 'gocr' 0.37 vs 0.47nb2
Version mismatch: 'gsm' 1.0.10 vs 1.0.13
Version mismatch: 'gtar' 1.13.25nb2 vs 1.23
Version mismatch: 'gtar-base' 1.13.25nb2 vs 1.23
Version mismatch: 'gtar-info' 1.13.25 vs 1.23
Version mismatch: 'ircII' 20021103nb1 vs 20081115
Version mismatch: 'iso8879' 1986 vs 1986nb8
Version mismatch: 'jade' 1.2.1nb8 vs 1.2.1nb12
Version mismatch: 'jed' 0.99.15 vs 0.99.16nb2
Version mismatch: 'libcrack' 2.7 vs 2.7nb1
Version mismatch: 'libghttp' 1.0.9 vs 1.0.9nb1
Version mismatch: 'libmm' 1.2.2 vs 1.4.2nb1
Version mismatch: 'libmpeg3' 1.3nb4 vs 1.8
Version mismatch: 'libproplist' 0.10.1 vs 0.10.1nb1
Version mismatch: 'libslang' 1.4.5 vs 1.4.9nb7
Version mismatch: 'libunicode' 0.4 vs 0.4nb1
Version mismatch: 'libxml' 1.8.17 vs 1.8.17nb3
Version mismatch: 'mpeg' 1.3.1 vs 1.3.1nb1
Version mismatch: 'mpeg2codec' 1.2 vs 1.2nb1
Version mismatch: 'mutt' 1.4.1 vs 1.5.20nb2,
Unknown package: 'netatalk-asun' version 2.1.3nb5
Version mismatch: 'nmh' 1.0.4 vs 1.3
Version mismatch: 'nmh' 1.0.4nb4 vs 1.3
Version mismatch: 'openslp' 1.0.9a vs 1.2.1nb3
Version mismatch: 'openssl' 0.9.6m vs 0.9.8mnb2
Version mismatch: 'papersize' 1.0.5 vs 1.0.8
Version mismatch: 'policykit' 0.9nb6 vs 0.9nb7
Version mismatch: 'procmail' 3.15 vs 3.22nb3
Version mismatch: 'pth' 2.0.0nb1 vs 2.0.7
Unknown package: 'py-mkv2mp4' version 0.0alpha11nb1
Version mismatch: 'rar' 2.02 vs 2.02nb1
Version mismatch: 'realplayer-codecs' 8.20040626 vs 8.20050115nb1
Version mismatch: 'rplay' 3.3.2 vs 3.3.2nb7
Version mismatch: 'rsaref' 2.0p3 vs 2.0p3nb1
Version mismatch: 'rx' 1.5 vs 1.5nb2
Version mismatch: 'rxvt' 2.7.3 vs 2.7.10nb6
Version mismatch: 'sox' 12.17.3nb1 vs 14.0.1nb2
Version mismatch: 'sqlite3' 3.6.23 vs
Version mismatch: 'squid' 2.5.1nb4 vs 3.1.1,3.0.25,2.7.7nb3
Version mismatch: 'toolame' 02l vs 02lnb2
Version mismatch: 'transfig' 3.2.4 vs 3.2.5nb2
Version mismatch: 'ttmkfdir2' 20021109nb1 vs 20021109nb3
Version mismatch: 'usbutil' 0.5 vs 0.5nb3
Version mismatch: 'vera-ttf' 1.10nb2 vs 1.10nb4
Version mismatch: 'win32-codecs' 020909nb1 vs 071007
Version mismatch: 'wmMoonClock' 1.27 vs 1.27nb1
Version mismatch: 'wmcpuload' 0.9.0 vs 1.0.1nb1
Version mismatch: 'wmmixer' 1.0 vs 1.0nb1
Version mismatch: 'wmnet' 1.06nb3 vs 1.06nb5
Version mismatch: 'xmlcatmgr' 2.2 vs 2.2nb1
Version mismatch: 'xp' 1.2b10 vs 1.2b10nb3

Maybe I should just change the hostname...

And for all the other platforms which *do* use pkgsrc libraries?


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