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pkgsrc-2014Q3 packages for illumos now available

It's a bit later than planned, but I'm pleased to announce the 2014Q3
release of illumos pkgsrc packages based on the pkgsrc-2014Q3 branch.

This is our 8th quarterly release for illumos platforms, and we
recently hit our 4 millionth package download, so thanks to everyone
who has used our packages and submitted bug/feature requests:

SmartOS users should use the new 14.3.0 images which will be available
shortly.  Users of other distributions may use one of the bootstrap

and after extracting to /opt/local set up the following environment

  $ PATH=/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:$PATH
  $ MANPATH=/opt/local/man:$MANPATH

at which point you may start searching for and installing packages:

  $ pfexec pkgin -y update
  $ pkgin search tmux
  $ pfexec pkgin -y install tmux
  $ pkgin avail

Available package counts are:

  i386:      13,452
  x86_64:    13,443
  multiarch: 11,816

As you can see, the multiarch packages return to the list of available
options this quarter after a number of issues with the previous beta
releases have been fixed.  Multiarch is a combined 32-bit/64-bit
package set where packages which include libraries and other
architecture-specific files are built twice and combined into a single

To give you an idea of how multiarch works, here is an example

 Install compiler tools:

  $ pkgin -y install build-essential pkg-config

 Create a dummy file and build 3 times - default, 32-bit, and 64-bit.
 The special ABI environment variable is used to control everything:

  $ echo 'main(){}' >test.c
  $ gcc test.c -o test $(pkg-config --libs libpcre)
  $ ABI=32 gcc test.c -o test-32 $(pkg-config --libs libpcre)
  $ ABI=64 gcc test.c -o test-64 $(pkg-config --libs libpcre)

 As you can see below, the default environment is 32-bit, but by using
 ABI you can easily build for a specific architecture, and everything
 should do the right thing (e.g. pkg-config will pull in the correct
 libraries and set up the correct flags):

  $ file test{,-*}
  test:           ELF 32-bit LSB executable 80386 Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped, no debugging information available
  test-32:        ELF 32-bit LSB executable 80386 Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped, no debugging information available
  test-64:        ELF 64-bit LSB executable AMD64 Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped, no debugging information available

  $ ldd test{,-*} | grep pcre
 =>  /opt/local/lib/
 =>  /opt/local/lib/
 =>  /opt/local/lib/amd64/

  $ pkg-config --libs libpcre
  -L/opt/local/lib -Wl,-R/opt/local/lib -lpcre

  $ ABI=64 pkg-config --libs libpcre
  -L/opt/local/lib/amd64 -Wl,-R/opt/local/lib/amd64 -lpcre

Other changes this release:

 - The bootstrap kits now include mozilla-rootcerts and
   pkg_alternatives by default, ensuring feature parity with 'base'
   SmartOS images.
 - The mozilla-rootcerts certificates are pre-installed by default.

The general pkgsrc-2014Q3 announcement is here:

Please report any bugs or feature requests specifically related to
these binary package sets on our GitHub issues page:


Jonathan Perkin  -  Joyent, Inc.  -

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