pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:33 2025
Timezone is UTC
- zsh statically compiled,
- you need to check this,
- Samba vs SHA256 lDAP/SSL,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- Did you get this?,
- Uw PCbanking Is Inactief,
Bpost Bank
- GHC updating,
matthew sporleder
- waiting for your reply,
- (devel/pcre-ocaml) Githubify the package,
Makoto Fujiwara
- LXQt on NetBSD-current,
Kamil Rytarowski
- sysutils/file: patch from,
Matthias Ferdinand
- business solutions,
- packaging julia lang, stuck on llvm,
matthew sporleder
- devel/gobject-introspection build can't find 'glib,
Chuck Cranor
- Re: devel/gobject-introspection build can't find ',
Chuck Cranor
- /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspection,
Chuck Cranor
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Chuck Cranor
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Chuck Cranor
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
David Holland
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Greg Troxel
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
David Holland
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Greg Troxel
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Greg Troxel
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: /bin/pwd defaults (Re: devel/gobject-introspec,
Greg Troxel
- proposal,
- Twoja skrzynka pocztowa zostala czasowo zawieszona,
- small chat server?,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Re: FreeBSD Port: qpdfview-0.4.3_4,
Thomas Mueller
- Proposal to remove: sysutils/cdbkup,
Benny Siegert
- Proposal to delete: net/bpalogin,
Benny Siegert
- Announcement: pkgsrcCon 2015,
Sebastian Wiedenroth
- x11/gtk3: build failure in GISCAN "undefined symbo,
Matthias Ferdinand
- Firefox24 build breaking because of non-existent s,
Ibraheem Saleh
- devel/rt4 update?,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- image editing work,
- photo work,
- www/firefox31 build failure with gcc 4.9.2 on Sola,
Ibraheem Saleh
- www/firefox24 build failure with gcc 4.9.2 on Sola,
Ibraheem Saleh
- image solutions,
- multimedia/libvpx build failure with gcc 4.9.2 on ,
Ibraheem Saleh
- libgpg-error core dumps on Solaris 10 sparc with g,
Ibraheem Saleh
- graphics/MesaLib build failure with gcc 4.9.2 on S,
Ibraheem Saleh
- print/tex-xdvi ERROR: Circular dependency detected,
Chuck Cranor
- [PATCH] Update databases/sqlite3 to 3.8.10 to fix ,
J. Lewis Muir
- business leads,
- non-root package-building sandbox?,
Ian D. Leroux
- Wrong directory ownership or permissions warning w,
J. Lewis Muir
- [patch] time/anacron spooldir location,
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri
- Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Output,
Makoto Fujiwara
- Moving system disk provokes data loss?,
John D. Baker
- Bootstrap failing on CentOS,
Jason Bacon
- A blog post on pkgrc,
Sevan / Venture37
- modular-xorg - tradcpp problem,
Gerard Lally
- kdenetwork3 out of memory error,
- emacs24 missing dependency on "graphics/gnome-icon,
Chuck Cranor
- php 54, ap-php, TS, NTS problems,
Michael Parson
- Re: php 54, ap-php, TS, NTS problems,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: php 54, ap-php, TS, NTS problems,
Filip Hajny
- Re: php 54, ap-php, TS, NTS problems,
Michael Parson
- Re: php 54, ap-php, TS, NTS problems,
Greg Troxel
- Re: php 54, ap-php, TS, NTS problems,
Joerg Sonnenberger
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