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Resources for Pkgsrc

When folks who are pkgsrc committers want definitive documentation on pkgsrc do they use this? Is it more or less up to date? I'm thinking I should read it "cover to cover" because I want to become more savvy at fixing my own pkgsrc woes etc... I also want to understand more of the nuances of problems which are discussed on the list.

Given the number of changes I see in CVS, I also am wondering:

Do folks coordinate mainly on the list or on IRC ? Which channels? freenode->netbsd ?

Are the high-impact changes (new compilers, new standards, etc..) made "out in the open" or do they mostly happen on IRC or with just a small cadre of folks discussing it off list?

Basically, I'm trying to square the large amount of work that gets done with the moderate to low amount of traffic on the list. You guys are all action right? *grin*


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