On 2020-03-09 5:58 a.m., Jonathan Perkin wrote:
Yes that's true, however when I was testing and replaced the trailing slash pkgin refreshed once more and the problem returned. Leaving the second line in place without the trailing slash also caused a refresh, but also allowed packages to be installed without problem, behaving the same as if I'd completely removed the second repository address.* On 2020-03-09 at 06:43 GMT, Dave Ellis wrote:# # Pkgin repositories list # http://cdn.NetBSD.org/pub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSD/amd64/9.0/All http://cdn.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSD/amd64/8.1/All/ By either removing the trailing slash or second line entirely the problem is fixed and binary packages install as expected.Just to clarify: it wasn't the slash causing the problem, but by removing it pkgin will have refreshed the database as the repository has changed, so if it was stale data causing the problem then just removing the slash would have fixed it.
FWIW this really isn't supported. You should only use multiple repositories if each of the repositories contains distinct packages. Mixing will cause problems, as you've discovered, which may exhibit in odd behaviour like that described.
Yeah, I see that now. :o)I'm much more familiar with the older pkg_add and associated commands where multiple repository sources could be specified in order using environment variables.
Kind regards, Dave