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Re: Joyent's pkgsrc vs our pkgsrc?

* On 2021-01-19 at 04:01 GMT, Hung Nguyen Gia wrote:

> I have never able to compile graphical stuffs (Xorg and friends)
> from pkgsrc, regardless of platforms, SunOS or Linux. Compilation of
> it always failed with some awkward py-expat stuff.
> But I could find the things I always failed to compile from our
> pkgsrc on Joyent's binary pkgsrc repo. e.g: Xorg and many graphical
> applications.

It can depend heavily on the settings you choose, what distribution
you are building on, etc.

While I have a large number of customisations in our release builds
compared to the pkgsrc defaults, the "pkgsrc-upstream-trunk" daily
builds posted to:

should be relatively vanilla, builds directly from pkgsrc trunk with
no modifications, and will hopefully expose any general issues.

> This make me wonder, does Joyent's pkgsrc and our pkgsrc the same
> thing?
> I think their pkgsrc is not vanilla. They have their own pkgsrc tree
> different than us. Or they have their own patches they not yet
> merged in our pkgsrc.

There are no huge differences, any change we make is then just more
work for me to maintain, so the goal is always to merge back to pkgsrc
wherever possible.

All of our changes are currently maintained in the following branches:


Hope that helps,

Jonathan Perkin  -  Joyent, Inc.  -

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