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Re: py311 conflict

* On 2023-08-15 at 19:32 BST, Greg Troxel wrote:

Certainly leaving it to PLIST duplication to cause a conflict is a
bug, packages should set CONFICTS so that binary package users do not
have a terrible experience.  I believe there's PYTHON_SELF_CONFLICT
for python stuff to make it easier.

The experience of a bad error message vs a nicer one is not to terrible
IMHO, but it is better to catch it earlier.

It's not about a nicer error message. CONFLICTS are available in pkg_summary(5) and can be determined prior to starting an upgrade operation. PLIST conflicts happen after you've already proceeded with an upgrade operation, and you may now be stuck between being unable to roll back because some packages have already been removed, and not wanting to continue because the conflict requires removing a package you need.

Jonathan Perkin   -   -
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