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Re: light weight graphics tool to add text caption

Thanks, Jim.

I discovered the text argument doesn't handle the "en dash" in the following.

  ppmlabel -x 50 -y 50                          \
    -text "the arbitrariness of the sign"       \
    -text "  Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913)" \
    overlay_img.pnm > overlay_img+text.pnm

Thanks also go to Benny who suggested ImageMagick.  I was able to
caption as follows.

  magick image.png                                                       \
    -pointsize 20 -fill blue -font /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf \
    -draw 'text 180,40 "the arbitrariness of the sign"'                  \


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