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[FLTK] Transition to branch 1.4

FLTK transition to branch 1.4

Multiple versions of FLTK cannot be installed in parallel with pkgsrc.
Therefore I propose a transition where x11/fltk would eventually become
the new single pkgsrc package for FLTK, based on the maintained branch 1.4.

Some documentation about the different branches can be found here:

Below is an overview of the current situation in pkgsrc.
Please speak up if you still use the packages that depend on unmaintained
FLTK versions.

FLTK 1.1 ("x11/fltk")
Old and no longer maintained.

emulators/palmosemulator is the last user in pkgsrc.
This package seems to have no upstream anymore and we should remove it.
Otherwise we can move it (together with FLTK 1.1) to wip.

FLTK 1.2 (not provided by pkgsrc)
Old and no longer maintained.

FLTK 1.3 ("x11/fltk13")
Only bug fixes from upstream.

Most pkgsrc packages currently use this version.
They should be changed to use FLTK 1.4 and x11/fltk13 can be moved to
wip (similar to fltk2 in the past).

FLTK 1.4 ("wip/fltk14-devel")
Current branch. Maintained by upstream.

This version requires only C99 and C++98 (same as FLTK 1.3) and supports
the same range of old systems (e.g. NetBSD back to version 2.0).
The API is mainly compatible with FLTK 1.3, but the ABI is not.

I have provided wip/fltk14-devel that still uses autotools and libtool
in the same way as x11/fltk13.

FLTK 2 ("x11/efltk", "wip/fltk2")
Old and no longer maintained.

x11/ede is the last user of x11/efltk in pkgsrc.
The EDE desktop seems unmaintained since a decade, we should remove it.
Otherwise we should update x11/ede to version 2.1 that no longer uses
x11/efltk. I have provided wip/ede21 and its dependency wip/edelib21.
Both packages can be compiled, but are untested otherwise. Somebody who
is interested in them should become the maintainer.

FLTK 3 (not provided by pkgsrc)
Old and no longer maintained.

Attempt to merge FLTK 1.3 and FLTK 2 that was never released.

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