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ham/wsjtx (Re: wip/wsjtx
I'm testing wip/wsjtx (should later be ham/wsjtx).
As is written at wip/wsjtx/TODO, you need set
PKG_OPTIONS.fftw+= fftw-fortan
(thanks IrisZzz at #pkgsrc on irc)
and at math/fftw
make package-install
make replace
(before packaging wsjtx)
To start the application, it requires huge memory, (also written in TODO)
you may need ( in my case on 10.99.12 amd64)
ulimit d=524288
before starting the application, otherwise you may see
mef20$ wsjtx
-sh: wsjtx: not enough memory
mef20$ zsh
mef20@makoto 12:14:57/250209(~)% wsjtx
zsh: cannot allocate memory: wsjtx
I've checked the serial port behavior before going next step.
my Rig, TS-590s has USB port connection. Connect that
to USB port to the running PC.
I've checked the name and speed, after above connected, by
sudo cu -l /dev/dtyU0 -s 2400
seems some connection is made. I'll use this parameter
for the first trial
The application may run
cu -l port -s speed
equivalent sub process, (as tested above)
I think root privilege is required.
To do that, at your (probably xterm window)
sudo -s
export XAUTHORITY=/home/your_login/.Xauthority
It may be nice to set default port name in
% grep dtyU0 /root/.config/WSJT-X.ini
(I'm not sure how much benefit you'll receive with above line,
and not sure too if CATSerial works on USB virtual device)
(I used to connect RS-232C equivalent other port on rig and
was using N1MM application on Windows)
(I'm becoming suspicious on serial port connection on this
Rig via USB port..)
I hope anyone try the similar thing and let us know furthur settings
and issues.
Thank you,
Makoto Fujiwara
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