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Re: gcc12 not building on macOS 15 aarch64 (gfortran woes)

Chuck Cranor <> writes:

> I think there is a pkgsrc policy issue here with the way the PATCHFILES
> mechanism is being used?  gcc13's Makefile.common has:
> .if ${MACHINE_PLATFORM:MDarwin-*-aarch64}
> BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM+=   rm:-nodefaultrpaths
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        --disable-darwin-at-rpath
> PATCHFILES=             gcc-13.3.0.diff
> PATCH_DIST_STRIP=       -p1
> .endif
> so pkgsrc will only attempt to fetch and apply gcc-13.3.0.diff
> on Darwin aarch64.
> that leaves us in the state where we've got two different diffs
> trying to patch the same file (in conflicting ways), but only on
> the Darwin aarch64 platform.   Non Darwin aarch64 platforms will
> patch cleanly.

Indeed this is problematic.  The right fix is for gcc upstream to build
without patches and make a new release.

> if you are not a Darwin aarch64 pkgsrc developer and put a new patch
> in patches/patch-*, how are you supposed to detect that it conflicts 
> with a patch in PATCHFILES (i.e. gcc-13.3.0.diff)?

I am not sure if we have dealt with this enough to have doctrine, but
having a conditional big patch seems like trouble.  I'm guessing it's
conditional because it hasn't really been reviewed and understood enough
but it is known to help on darwin aarch64.

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