pkgsrc-WIP-changes by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sat Mar 01 11:25:26 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Import nautilus-3.16.2 as wip/nautilus,
- Makefile: +nautilus,
- lldb-git: Fix installation and regenerate PLIST,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Implement out of sources build.,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Append local patch for tests on NetBSD a,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Renegerate local trial patches.,
Kamil Rytarowski
- +py-voronoi in wip,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- lldb-git: Use CONFIGURE_DIRS. Thanks Thomas Klausn,
Kamil Rytarowski
- sndio: Add scratch of rc.d(8) script,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Makefile: +sndio,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Import sndio-1.0.1 as wip/sndio.,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Makefile: +verilator,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Import verilator-3.878 as wip/verilator.,
Kamil Rytarowski
- iverilog: add TEST_TARGET,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Makefile: +iverilog,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Import iverilog-10.0 as wip/iverilog.,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Update py-yenc to 0.4.0.,
Benny Siegert
- pulseaudio-git: Regenerate patches for merged one ,
Kamil Rytarowski
- pulseaudio-git: Regenerate distinfo,
Kamil Rytarowski
- pulseaudio-git: Use upstream for autoto,
Kamil Rytarowski
- new version 2.3.8 available,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- new package py-fssa,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- FIX PLIST path,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- new package: py-bcolz,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- +py-bandit in pkgsrc-wip,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- +py-spatious in pkgsrc-wip,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- +py-cellulist in wip,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- py-storm: Restore DESCR, lost in previous update.,
Thomas Klausner
- +py-monty in wip,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- add new pkg: mailingstats,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- Please see file:,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- SET LICENSE added new dependency: storm and beauti,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- New package in wip: +py-bicho,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- +py-grab in wip,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- delete bicho,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- +py-selection,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- imported py-feedgenerator as www/py-feedgenerator,
Nils Ratusznik
- imported py-pelican as www/py-pelican,
Nils Ratusznik
- imported siege as www/siege, part 2,
Nils Ratusznik
- imported siege as www/siege,
Nils Ratusznik
- query_weathermap_runtime.php needs the path to PHP,
Nils Ratusznik
- py-fftw: remove, imported to pkgsrc/math.,
Thomas Klausner
- megatools: remove, imported in pkgsrc as net/megat,
Leonardo Taccari
- lldb-git: Rediff patches for new paths,
Kamil Rytarowski
- clang-git: Strip down package for Clang,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Strip down package for lldb exclusively,
Kamil Rytarowski
- llvm-git: Add initial,
Kamil Rytarowski
- clang-git: Add,
Kamil Rytarowski
- llvm-git: Strip down package for llvm,
Kamil Rytarowski
- llvm-build-git: Abandon this package,
Kamil Rytarowski
- clang-sources-git: Abandon this package,
Kamil Rytarowski
- clang-build-git: Abandon this package,
Kamil Rytarowski
- llvm-sources-git: Abandon this package,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Makefile: Remove abandoned {llvm,clang}-{sources,b,
Kamil Rytarowski
- autossh: update to 1.4e,
Thomas Klausner
- lz4jsoncat: add new package,
Thomas Klausner
- Makefile: sync,
Thomas Klausner
- bump version 4.10.2, remove a patch,
Litvinov Sergey
- llvm-build-git: Clone from lldb-git, on the way ,
Kamil Rytarowski
- llvm-sources-git: Clone from lldb-git, on the wa,
Kamil Rytarowski
- llvm-git: Clone from lldb-git, on the way to split,
Kamil Rytarowski
- clang-build-git: Clone from lldb-git, on the way,
Kamil Rytarowski
- clang-git: Clone from lldb-git, on the way to spli,
Kamil Rytarowski
- clang-sources-git: Clone from lldb-git, on the w,
Kamil Rytarowski
- php-baikal: remove, imported to pkgsrc/net/php-bai,
Thomas Klausner
- ansible: Remove from Makefile,
- bump version from 1.9.2 to 1.9.4,
- lldb-git: Add lldb-mi to BUILD_TARGET,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Further optimization, set BUILD_TARGET t,
Kamil Rytarowski
- (py-gds/Makefile): Add DEPENDS to py*-numpy.,
Makoto Fujiwara
- lldb-git: Limit for now to X86,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Remove __init__.pyc again, why it appear,
Kamil Rytarowski
- +py-weblib in wip,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- fix prefix name,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- +new package in wip,
K . I . A . Derouiche
- (mk/ Consider the case wxGTK28-contrib is,
Makoto Fujiwara
- firefox-hg: adapt patches.,
Thomas Klausner
- lldb-git: Update PLIST with the newest trunk,
Kamil Rytarowski
- pulseaudio-git: Use paccept(2) in the Linux path w,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Walkaround missing $ORIGIN feature,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Adapt patch for upstream changes.,
Thomas Klausner
- Add upstream bugreport URL.,
Thomas Klausner
- .gitignore: Blacklist CVS,
Kamil Rytarowski
- pulseaudio-git: Renegerate distinfo,
Kamil Rytarowski
- pulseaudio-git: Try to improve handling of <xlocal,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Revert "lldb-git: Remove patch merged upstream",
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Renegerate PLIST after merging fix for p,
Kamil Rytarowski
- The dba/update-davical-database script needs datab,
Hauke Fath
- pulseaudio-git: remove CVS files.,
Thomas Klausner
- (py-gds) New package py-gds-0.7.1,
Makoto Fujiwara
- pulseaudio-git: Add new package tracking git,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Makefile: +pulseaudio-git,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: remove stale file,
Kamil Rytarowski
- pulseaudio: Remove old version (6.0), pkgsrc is mo,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Makefile: -pulseaudio,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Remove patch merged upstream,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Backport patch from D14530,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Add todo,
Kamil Rytarowski
- radare2-git: Update PLIST,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Update list of REPLACE_PERL and REPLACE_,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Use LLDB test target,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lldb-git: Generate proper PLIST,
Kamil Rytarowski
- wip/naev: Update naev to 0.6.1.,
Yorick Hardy
- Update beanstalkd version to 1.10,
Keke Pierre
- gcc50snapshot: Remove obsolete package.,
Kai-Uwe Eckhardt
- gcc49snapshot: Remove obsolete package.,
Kai-Uwe Eckhardt
- (wxGTK-test) Add new meta package to check wxGTK28,
Makoto Fujiwara
- lldb-git: Cut down package into building git snaps,
Kamil Rytarowski
- gcc6snapshot: Update to snapshot 20151115.,
Kai-Uwe Eckhardt
- (trustedQSL) make both wxGTK28 and wxGTK30 ready,
Makoto Fujiwara
- (mk/ Removing the file, committed to the ,
Makoto Fujiwara
- py-xpra: update to 0.15.8.,
Thomas Klausner
- src: import src-0.19 as wip/src,
Emil Skoeldberg
- Gimp-webp has been imported to pkgsrc-current.,
Niclas Rosenvik
- debootstrap: update to 1.0.75.,
Thomas Klausner
- TODO: - debootstrap, update done,
Thomas Klausner
- ghc: Regenerate distinfo,
Kamil Rytarowski
- py-construct: remove, imported in pkgsrc as devel/,
Leonardo Taccari
- mk/wxGTK: Add comments and make a few tiny fixes,
Greg Troxel
- firefox-hg: update PLIST for upstream changes,
Thomas Klausner
- emacs-wip: bump version to 25.1.50 to follow upstr,
Thomas Klausner
- Updated gimp-webp to use a real 0.2 release and no,
Niclas Rosenvik
- TODO: + debootstrap-1.0.75, py-xpra-0.15.8.,
Thomas Klausner
- Freeimage has been imported to pkgsrc-current as g,
Niclas Rosenvik
- ghc: Provide prebuilt 7.10.2 bootstrap for NetBSD,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Imported bokken as devel/bokken,
Pierre Pronchery
- Fix the path to dot(1),
Pierre Pronchery
- Imported py-pygraphviz as graphics/py-pygraphviz,
Pierre Pronchery
- Use graphics/py-pygraphviz now that it was importe,
Pierre Pronchery
- Imported py-radare2 in pkgsrc as devel/py-radare2,
Pierre Pronchery
- Use devel/py-radare2 now that it was imported,
Pierre Pronchery
- Update wip/py-construct to 2.5.2.,
Leonardo Taccari
- git-package: Refactor scripts, depend on git only ,
Kamil Rytarowski
- git-package: Remove unused _GIT_TODAY,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Skip the portability check on, it' s n,
Sevan Janiyan
- tidy: update candidate for www/tidy,
Thomas Klausner
- Makefile: + tidy,
Thomas Klausner
- glfw: needs dlopen and pthread.,
Leonardo Taccari
- glfw: fix glfwInit(), tested and spotted via print,
Leonardo Taccari
- Use the newly introduced GIT_ENV instead of twea,
Hauke Fath
- firefox-hg: remove patches that don't apply any mo,
Thomas Klausner
- glfw: Update wip/glfw to 3.1.2.,
Leonardo Taccari
- ctags-git: Fix PLIST,
Jonathan Buschmann
- cmetrics: fix master site and update to 0.2,
Tobias Nygren
- faast: fix master site (XXX is the PLIST really su,
Tobias Nygren
- fbpager: fix master site,
Tobias Nygren
- ap2-jk2: fix master site,
Tobias Nygren
- libcfile: fix master site,
Tobias Nygren
- goattracker: update to 2.73 since previous version,
Tobias Nygren
- libcpath: fix master site,
Tobias Nygren
- gtk2-engines-dwerg: fix master site,
Tobias Nygren
- bnr2: remove, was abandoned ~10 years ago, no mast,
Tobias Nygren
- Update to, and switch to new git,
Hauke Fath
- Add GIT_ENV for modifying git's environment (e.g. ,
Hauke Fath
- Avoid opencv 3.0 for now as libpthread hangs in cv,
Adrian Steinmann
- radare2: Update PLIST,
Kamil Rytarowski
- zathura-mupdf: Bump PKGREVISION needed for print/m,
Leonardo Taccari
- wp2md: Set version to 0.8.1 and regenerate PLIST,
Kamil Rytarowski
- gcc6snapshot: Update to 20151108.,
Kai-Uwe Eckhardt
- php-baikal: fix problem with NetBSD iconv.,
Thomas Klausner
- php-baikal: add untested package for http://baikal,
Thomas Klausner
- firefox-hg: sync PLIST with upstream git.,
Thomas Klausner
- py-dropbox: add package for git version of officia,
Thomas Klausner
- Makefile: add py-dropbox, sort.,
Thomas Klausner
Petar Bogdanovic
- firefox-hg: bump version to 45 to match upstream.,
Thomas Klausner
- firefox-hg: remove obsolete patch,
Thomas Klausner
- Mention CVE-2015-7858,
Sevan Janiyan
- Mention CVE-2015-7899,
Sevan Janiyan
- Mention CVE-2015-7857,
Sevan Janiyan
- Mention CVE-2015-7297,
Sevan Janiyan
- Fill in Makefile COMMENT field and remove GIF incl,
- Mention CVE-2015-7859,
Sevan Janiyan
- Add CVE-2015-5285 to TODO,
Sevan Janiyan
- Mention CVE-2015-3230,
Sevan Janiyan
- Mention a couple of CVE's,
Sevan Janiyan
- chibi-scheme: revert previous change that did not ,
Leonardo Taccari
- Note CVE's for polarssl11,
Sevan Janiyan
- chibi-scheme: add an hyper-kludge (sigh!) to worka,
Leonardo Taccari
- Update ghc to 7.10.2.,
Jonathan Perkin
- taskserver: import taskserver-1.1.0 as wip/taskser,
Emil Skoeldberg
- task: add patch to fix build failure,
Emil Skoeldberg
- fdupes: Add a rule in order not to depend on gmake,
Mateusz Poszwa
- task: Update task to 2.5.0,
Yorick Hardy
- Add new package, VIPS a free image processing syst,
- crawl-stone-soup: Update crawl-stone-soup to 0.17.,
Yorick Hardy
- bstone: Update bstone to 1.1.5,
Yorick Hardy
- xoreos: Update xoreos to 0.0.3,
Yorick Hardy
- + libressl-2.3.1.,
Thomas Klausner
- flightgear-data: Import flightgear-data-2.8.0 as w,
Mateusz Poszwa
- flightgear-data: Update wip/flightgear-data to 3.4,
Mateusz Poszwa
- Add Hypatia via Brian Callahan,
Sevan Janiyan
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