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Module Name: pkgsrc-wip
Committed By: K.I.A.Derouiche <>
Pushed By: jihbed
Date: Sat Jan 30 16:01:25 2016 +0000
Changeset: cfeb09e4d0dc4be9592563c25eeb7da216a05e4b
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py-operators/DESCR | 8 ++++----
py-operators/distinfo | 7 ++++---
2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/py-operators/DESCR b/py-operators/DESCR
index 6417b1e..020db54 100644
--- a/py-operators/DESCR
+++ b/py-operators/DESCR
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-The pyoperators package defines operators and solvers for high-performance
-computing. These operators are multi-dimensional functions that, if linear,
-behave like matrices with a sparse storage footprint. The chaining of the
-operations is optimised and controlled by a stack-based memory manager
+The PyOperators package defines operators and solvers for high-performance
+computing. These operators are multi-dimensional functions with optimised
+and controlled memory management. If linear, they behave like matrices
+with a sparse storage footprint
diff --git a/py-operators/distinfo b/py-operators/distinfo
index 3c75682..fdbe924 100644
--- a/py-operators/distinfo
+++ b/py-operators/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2015/05/30 17:42:10 jihbed Exp $
-SHA1 (pyoperators-0.13.6.tar.gz) = fae05a162616854f79940a26439d69ea68901316
-RMD160 (pyoperators-0.13.6.tar.gz) = 961e90f2a4e26f27f682650f33488165b50dbafe
-Size (pyoperators-0.13.6.tar.gz) = 175047 bytes
+SHA1 (pyoperators-0.13.10.tar.gz) = 10f0d889dc84e92d512c7207a18216298b171cf1
+RMD160 (pyoperators-0.13.10.tar.gz) = d7840940fb044d75b58338343a542155146db8c8
+SHA512 (pyoperators-0.13.10.tar.gz) = 09a89219b4cc52c1021813a470ea8de9cacdad1ef54ef576c9982e1336cee5784a70c0b33b15a4e2f5d7e594116f8d89d495104cc86c73183c16ef4ff51a1e91
+Size (pyoperators-0.13.10.tar.gz) = 177278 bytes
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nss-hg: fix some ctype(3) issues and add missing includes in two files.
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PyOperators 0.13 What?s new ? Python 3 support add settingerr context manager to contextually set error behaviour add environment variables PYOPERATORS_NO_MPI (to prevent importing mpi4py on supercomputers such as NERSC? s edison to avoid crashes on login nodes), PYOPERATORS_GC_NBYTES_THRESHOLD , PYOPERATORS_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT, PYOPERATORS_MEMORY_TOLERANCE and PYOPERATORS_VERBOSE (see file) add helpers last, last_is_not, ilast and ilast_is_not, split improved ProxyOperator: operators in a proxy group may have different shapes, and can access the operator? s attributes Return algorithm instance in pcg ? s output add pool_threading context manager add MPI rank in strinfo in iterative algorithms , silence MPI processes with rank> 0 add timers to measure the time spent in Operator? s __call__ method and in MPI operations API changes, deprecations: rename openmp_num_threads ? omp_num_threads deprecate distribute and distribute_slice change isclassattr calling sequence Under the hood : common superclass for DiagonalOperator, DiagonalNumexprOperator and MaskOperator add Cartcomm communicator and Comm.Create_cart method in fake_mpi module morph MPIDistributionIdentityOperator into IdentityOperator is communicator size is 1 allow implicit shape SparseBase subclasss update for scipy 0.14 new decorator deprecated add ?s clean command (contributed by G. Vaillant) automatic cythonization of files (contributed by G. Vaillant) 14 May 2014 PyOperators 0.12 What?s new ? add a nbytes property, indicating the operator storage footprint. delete method for operators, to force deletion of an operator, alongside its associated operators. If the storage footprint of the deleted operators exceeds a certain threshold GC_NBYTES_THRESHOLD , a garbage collection is triggered. ProxyOperator for on-the-fly computations. In a group of proxy operators , only one actual operator is cached. The proxy operators inherit all the properties from the actual operators. add a context manager setting to change a global variable value. Under the hood : Renamed operator flag ?inplace_reduction? ? ?update_output? . And make it a regular flag, i.e. the ?update_output? is no more inferred from the direct method signature. allow generators in composite operators. 26 Feb 2014 PyOperators 0.11 What ?s new ? New rule manager: new mechanism to enable or disable simplification rules inside a with context. The rule trigger none is implemented and it inhibits all algebraic simplifications if set to True. API change : the multiplication sign * is now context-dependent: composition for linear operators and element-wise multiplication otherwise. New operator DenseBlockDiagonalOperator. Extra dimensions of arrays are interpreted as diagonal blocks. This operator is broadcastable : ? against vectors: multiplying a DenseBlockDiagonalOperator initialised with an array of shape (L, 1, M, N) by a tensor of shape (P, N) gives a tensor of shape (L, P, M) ? against other DenseBlockDiagonalOperators: multiplying two of them initialised with arrays of shapes (K, 1, M, N) and (L, N, P) gives a DenseBlockDiagonalOperator initialised with an array of shape (K, L, M, P) DenseOperator is now implicit shape and broadcastable: an M? N DenseOperator multiplied by a tensor of shape (P, Q, N) gives a tensor of shape (P, Q, M) . Make asoperator return an explicit shape DiagonalOperator, DenseOperator or DenseBlockDiagonalOperator for arrays of dimensions 1, 2 or more if the keyword constant is not set to True. New operators: PowerOperator, ReciprocalOperator, SqrtOperator and SquareOperator. Helper functions: ? reshape_broadcast to reshape an array to a broadcastable shape, by using 0-strides along the missing dimensions ? broadcast_shapes to return the shape of the output obtained by broadcasting arrays of given shapes ? add reverse option for first, first_is_not, ifirst and ifirst_is_not. Improved __str__ for non-linear operators. New ufunc abs2 , which returns the square modulus of a complex input. DEPRECATED: use isscalarlike instead of isscalar. Under the hood: Add PyOperatorsWarning and PyOperatorsDeprecationWarnings. Rename the decorators module ? flags. Move operator?s rules ? rules module. Add CopyOperator. 16 Jan 2014 PyOperators 0.10 What?s new ? SparseOperator. The sparse storage can be anyone from the scipy.sparse package (except the LIL format, which is not suited for matrix-vector multiplication) Change binary rule priorities to favour specialized rules and subclasses Add mechanism to prevent CompositeOperator from morphing into their unique component. This mechanism allow GroupOperator to only have one operand Remove DiagonalNumexprNonSeparableOperator , it? s not possible to avoid calling get_data in __init__ and it complicates the broadcasting operators too much API change : the mask convention for PackOperator and UnpackOperator is changed. True means kept (similar to Fortran?s pack & unpack) . Make PackOperator and UnpackOperator subclass BroadcastingBase Under the hood : Handle infinity in assert_same Improve rule? s __str__ when the predicate in a lambda function Add ?_reset? method for Operators Add ?broadcast? keyword to strshape Add debugging for the composition and commutative rules Cleanup broadcasting operators , including shape and dtype. Improved testing Fix ?square? flag when morphing from a DiagonalOperator or a MaskOperator to ZeroOperator In ?todense?, use dtype=int when the operator? s dtype is None Hack to add shapein and shapeout to Operator? s __repr__ In CommutativeCompositeOperator, get info from the operands before applying the simplification rules Add ZeroOperator rule for MultiplicationOperator. Make sure a copy of the other operator is done for AdditionOperator In ?uninterruptible? contextmanager, ensure that the SIGINT handler is always put back in 14 Oct 2013 PyOperators 0.9 What ?s new ? Rotation2dOperator for rotations in a plane Rotation3dOperator, about 1 axis (3 conventions), 2 axes (6 conventions, including intrinsic and extrinsic rotations) or 3 axes (12 conventions) Spherical2CartesianOperator & Cartesian2SphericalOperator with conventions ?zenith,azimuth?, ?azimuth,zenith?, ?elevation,azimuth? and ?azimuth, elevation? NormalizeOperator to obtain unit vectors DegreesOperator & RadiansOperator for degrees / radians conversions Implement __ne__ for Operators Add helper function float_dtype. Rename complex_dtype_for ?complex_dtype Add helper functions one, pi and zero, which return a value of the specified dtype. API change in Operator? s rule: ? in unary rules, use ?C?, ?T?, ?H? or ?I? instead of ?.C?, ?.T?, ?.H? or ?.I? ? binary rule subjects are now specified by a 2-tuple ? use Operator subclass type instead of the string ?{MyOperator}? API change: IntegrationTrapezeWeightOperator ? IntegrationTrapezeOperator Under the hood: benchmark and memory_usage functions moved to a distinct distribution pybenchmarks Add test and coverage commands in Automatically compute adjoint from transpose , transpose from adjoint, inverse_adjoint from inverse_transpose and inverse_tranpose from inverse_adjoint Fix attribute copy during scalar absorption In binary rules , use ?==? instead of ?is? in subject matching In assert_same, allow broadcasting for integer types Remove obsolete Operator? s isalias method Make shape_input, shape_output and inplace_reduction non-settable flags Take forward FFTW instance dtype into account for the backward instance Remove DirectOperatorFactory and ReverseOperatorFactory DenseOperator output and input shapes can now be implicit. Don ?t rely on this feature yet, it will be changed in future versions.
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nss-hg: fix some ctype(3) issues and add missing includes in two files.
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PyOperators 0.13 What?s new ? Python 3 support add settingerr context manager to contextually set error behaviour add environment variables PYOPERATORS_NO_MPI (to prevent importing mpi4py on supercomputers such as NERSC? s edison to avoid crashes on login nodes), PYOPERATORS_GC_NBYTES_THRESHOLD , PYOPERATORS_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT, PYOPERATORS_MEMORY_TOLERANCE and PYOPERATORS_VERBOSE (see file) add helpers last, last_is_not, ilast and ilast_is_not, split improved ProxyOperator: operators in a proxy group may have different shapes, and can access the operator? s attributes Return algorithm instance in pcg ? s output add pool_threading context manager add MPI rank in strinfo in iterative algorithms , silence MPI processes with rank> 0 add timers to measure the time spent in Operator? s __call__ method and in MPI operations API changes, deprecations: rename openmp_num_threads ? omp_num_threads deprecate distribute and distribute_slice change isclassattr calling sequence Under the hood : common superclass for DiagonalOperator, DiagonalNumexprOperator and MaskOperator add Cartcomm communicator and Comm.Create_cart method in fake_mpi module morph MPIDistributionIdentityOperator into IdentityOperator is communicator size is 1 allow implicit shape SparseBase subclasss update for scipy 0.14 new decorator deprecated add ?s clean command (contributed by G. Vaillant) automatic cythonization of files (contributed by G. Vaillant) 14 May 2014 PyOperators 0.12 What?s new ? add a nbytes property, indicating the operator storage footprint. delete method for operators, to force deletion of an operator, alongside its associated operators. If the storage footprint of the deleted operators exceeds a certain threshold GC_NBYTES_THRESHOLD , a garbage collection is triggered. ProxyOperator for on-the-fly computations. In a group of proxy operators , only one actual operator is cached. The proxy operators inherit all the properties from the actual operators. add a context manager setting to change a global variable value. Under the hood : Renamed operator flag ?inplace_reduction? ? ?update_output? . And make it a regular flag, i.e. the ?update_output? is no more inferred from the direct method signature. allow generators in composite operators. 26 Feb 2014 PyOperators 0.11 What ?s new ? New rule manager: new mechanism to enable or disable simplification rules inside a with context. The rule trigger none is implemented and it inhibits all algebraic simplifications if set to True. API change : the multiplication sign * is now context-dependent: composition for linear operators and element-wise multiplication otherwise. New operator DenseBlockDiagonalOperator. Extra dimensions of arrays are interpreted as diagonal blocks. This operator is broadcastable : ? against vectors: multiplying a DenseBlockDiagonalOperator initialised with an array of shape (L, 1, M, N) by a tensor of shape (P, N) gives a tensor of shape (L, P, M) ? against other DenseBlockDiagonalOperators: multiplying two of them initialised with arrays of shapes (K, 1, M, N) and (L, N, P) gives a DenseBlockDiagonalOperator initialised with an array of shape (K, L, M, P) DenseOperator is now implicit shape and broadcastable: an M? N DenseOperator multiplied by a tensor of shape (P, Q, N) gives a tensor of shape (P, Q, M) . Make asoperator return an explicit shape DiagonalOperator, DenseOperator or DenseBlockDiagonalOperator for arrays of dimensions 1, 2 or more if the keyword constant is not set to True. New operators: PowerOperator, ReciprocalOperator, SqrtOperator and SquareOperator. Helper functions: ? reshape_broadcast to reshape an array to a broadcastable shape, by using 0-strides along the missing dimensions ? broadcast_shapes to return the shape of the output obtained by broadcasting arrays of given shapes ? add reverse option for first, first_is_not, ifirst and ifirst_is_not. Improved __str__ for non-linear operators. New ufunc abs2 , which returns the square modulus of a complex input. DEPRECATED: use isscalarlike instead of isscalar. Under the hood: Add PyOperatorsWarning and PyOperatorsDeprecationWarnings. Rename the decorators module ? flags. Move operator?s rules ? rules module. Add CopyOperator. 16 Jan 2014 PyOperators 0.10 What?s new ? SparseOperator. The sparse storage can be anyone from the scipy.sparse package (except the LIL format, which is not suited for matrix-vector multiplication) Change binary rule priorities to favour specialized rules and subclasses Add mechanism to prevent CompositeOperator from morphing into their unique component. This mechanism allow GroupOperator to only have one operand Remove DiagonalNumexprNonSeparableOperator , it? s not possible to avoid calling get_data in __init__ and it complicates the broadcasting operators too much API change : the mask convention for PackOperator and UnpackOperator is changed. True means kept (similar to Fortran?s pack & unpack) . Make PackOperator and UnpackOperator subclass BroadcastingBase Under the hood : Handle infinity in assert_same Improve rule? s __str__ when the predicate in a lambda function Add ?_reset? method for Operators Add ?broadcast? keyword to strshape Add debugging for the composition and commutative rules Cleanup broadcasting operators , including shape and dtype. Improved testing Fix ?square? flag when morphing from a DiagonalOperator or a MaskOperator to ZeroOperator In ?todense?, use dtype=int when the operator? s dtype is None Hack to add shapein and shapeout to Operator? s __repr__ In CommutativeCompositeOperator, get info from the operands before applying the simplification rules Add ZeroOperator rule for MultiplicationOperator. Make sure a copy of the other operator is done for AdditionOperator In ?uninterruptible? contextmanager, ensure that the SIGINT handler is always put back in 14 Oct 2013 PyOperators 0.9 What ?s new ? Rotation2dOperator for rotations in a plane Rotation3dOperator, about 1 axis (3 conventions), 2 axes (6 conventions, including intrinsic and extrinsic rotations) or 3 axes (12 conventions) Spherical2CartesianOperator & Cartesian2SphericalOperator with conventions ?zenith,azimuth?, ?azimuth,zenith?, ?elevation,azimuth? and ?azimuth, elevation? NormalizeOperator to obtain unit vectors DegreesOperator & RadiansOperator for degrees / radians conversions Implement __ne__ for Operators Add helper function float_dtype. Rename complex_dtype_for ?complex_dtype Add helper functions one, pi and zero, which return a value of the specified dtype. API change in Operator? s rule: ? in unary rules, use ?C?, ?T?, ?H? or ?I? instead of ?.C?, ?.T?, ?.H? or ?.I? ? binary rule subjects are now specified by a 2-tuple ? use Operator subclass type instead of the string ?{MyOperator}? API change: IntegrationTrapezeWeightOperator ? IntegrationTrapezeOperator Under the hood: benchmark and memory_usage functions moved to a distinct distribution pybenchmarks Add test and coverage commands in Automatically compute adjoint from transpose , transpose from adjoint, inverse_adjoint from inverse_transpose and inverse_tranpose from inverse_adjoint Fix attribute copy during scalar absorption In binary rules , use ?==? instead of ?is? in subject matching In assert_same, allow broadcasting for integer types Remove obsolete Operator? s isalias method Make shape_input, shape_output and inplace_reduction non-settable flags Take forward FFTW instance dtype into account for the backward instance Remove DirectOperatorFactory and ReverseOperatorFactory DenseOperator output and input shapes can now be implicit. Don ?t rely on this feature yet, it will be changed in future versions.
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