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Add basic NetBSD support

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Daniel Oelschlegel <>
Pushed By:	amoibos
Date:		Sat Apr 29 23:57:52 2017 +0000
Changeset:	22b803e1f20ab3f375c7c35522f6b9c7c14c0ffe

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Log Message:
Add basic NetBSD support

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=22b803e1f20ab3f375c7c35522f6b9c7c14c0ffe

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 lumina/Makefile                          |   2 +-
 lumina/distinfo                          |   1 +
 lumina/patches/patch-LuminaOS-NetBSD.cpp | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lumina/Makefile b/lumina/Makefile
index 639e02cc9c..9c462c70d8 100644
--- a/lumina/Makefile
+++ b/lumina/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $NetBSD$
 VERSION=	1.2.0-p1
 PKGNAME=	lumina-1.2.0
 DIST_SUBDIR=	lumina
diff --git a/lumina/distinfo b/lumina/distinfo
index ea0e00f79a..1b58cb4dac 100644
--- a/lumina/distinfo
+++ b/lumina/distinfo
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ SHA1 (lumina/lumina-1.2.0-p1.tar.gz) = b6a8b38271ca3967f1c8982ba86adf513786bc17
 RMD160 (lumina/lumina-1.2.0-p1.tar.gz) = 3f19624efd833a428f3a236bb3c04d2afe94e4a2
 SHA512 (lumina/lumina-1.2.0-p1.tar.gz) = 8490e2b0f2fa08b2d63ec688f9993771ea935129a2947ef7bfa1874424cbede6d8877083ce90658c283858e67397383b5bab536388e9222b440015ebdf8b2919
 Size (lumina/lumina-1.2.0-p1.tar.gz) = 56032695 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-LuminaOS-NetBSD.cpp) = 0ed96e7ef6143a36c944cc14c9f61b3cbca3bce6
 SHA1 (patch-OS-detect.pri) = d92d95bc56083d131c1029038a7c5d59433cfb3e
diff --git a/lumina/patches/patch-LuminaOS-NetBSD.cpp b/lumina/patches/patch-LuminaOS-NetBSD.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7584f3303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lumina/patches/patch-LuminaOS-NetBSD.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+Specific NetBSD support
+--- src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaOS-NetBSD.cpp.orig	2017-01-06 14:07:19.000000000 +0000
++++ src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaOS-NetBSD.cpp	2017-04-29 21:57:48.210905316 +0000
+@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <stdio.h> // Needed for BUFSIZ
++static int screenbrightness=-1;
+ QString LOS::OSName(){ return "NetBSD"; }
+ //OS-specific prefix(s)
+ // NOTE: PREFIX, L_ETCDIR, L_SHAREDIR are defined in the OS-detect.pri project file and passed in
+ QString LOS::LuminaShare(){ return (L_SHAREDIR+"/lumina-desktop/"); } //Install dir for Lumina share files
+-QString LOS::AppPrefix(){ return "/usr/local/"; } //Prefix for applications
++QString LOS::AppPrefix(){ return "/usr/pkg/"; } //Prefix for applications
+ QString LOS::SysPrefix(){ return "/usr/"; } //Prefix for system
+ //OS-specific application shortcuts (*.desktop files)
+@@ -31,36 +33,117 @@
+ QStringList LOS::ExternalDevicePaths(){
+     //Returns: QStringList[<type>::::<filesystem>::::<path>]
+       //Note: <type> = [USB, HDRIVE, DVD, SDCARD, UNKNOWN]
+-  //Not implemented yet
+-  return QStringList();
++  QStringList devs = LUtils::getCmdOutput("mount");
++  //Now check the output
++  for(int i=0; i<devs.length(); i++){
++      QString type = devs[i].section(" ",0,0);
++      type.remove("/dev/");
++      //Determine the type of hardware device based on the dev node
++      if(type.startsWith("sd")||type.startsWith("wd")){ type = "HDRIVE"; }
++      else if(type.startsWith("cd")){ type="DVD"; }
++      else{ type = "UNKNOWN"; }
++      //Now put the device in the proper output format
++      QString fs = devs[i].section(" ", 4, 4);
++      QString path = devs[i].section(" ",2, 2);
++      if (!fs.isEmpty() ) {   //we not found a filesystem, most probably this is an invalid row
++          devs[i] = type+"::::"+fs+"::::"+path;
++      }
++      else {
++          devs.removeAt(i);
++          i--; 
++      }
++  }
++  return devs;
+ }
+ //Read screen brightness information
+ int LOS::ScreenBrightness(){
+-  //Returns: Screen Brightness as a percentage (0-100, with -1 for errors)
+-  return -1;  //not implemented yet
++ //Returns: Screen Brightness as a percentage (0-100, with -1 for errors)
++  //Make sure we are not running in a VM (does not work)
++  QStringList info = LUtils::getCmdOutput("sysctl -n machdep.dmi.system-product");
++  if( !info.filter(QRegExp("VirtualBox|KVM")).isEmpty() ){ return -1; }
++  //Now perform the standard brightness checks
++  if(screenbrightness==-1){
++    if(QFile::exists(QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))+"/lumina-desktop/.currentxbrightness")){
++      int val = LUtils::readFile(QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))+"/lumina-desktop/.currentxbrightness").join("").simplified().toInt();
++      screenbrightness = val;
++    }
++  }
++  return screenbrightness;	
+ }
+ //Set screen brightness
+ void LOS::setScreenBrightness(int percent){
+-  //not implemented yet
++  //ensure bounds
++  if(percent<0){percent=0;}
++  else if(percent>100){ percent=100; }
++  //Run the command
++  QString cmd = "xbacklight -time 0 -steps 1 -set %1";
++  cmd = cmd.arg( QString::number(percent) );
++  int ret = LUtils::runCmd(cmd);
++  //Save the result for later
++  if(ret!=0){ screenbrightness = -1; }
++  else{ screenbrightness = percent; }
++  LUtils::writeFile(QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))+"/lumina-desktop/.currentxbrightness", QStringList() << QString::number(screenbrightness), true);
+ }
+ //Read the current volume
+ int LOS::audioVolume(){ 
+   //Returns: audio volume as a percentage (0-100, with -1 for errors)
+-  return -1; //Not implemented yet
++  QString info = LUtils::getCmdOutput("mixerctl -n outputs.master").join(",").simplified(); //ignores any other lines
++  int out = -1;
++  if(!info.isEmpty()){
++    int L = info.section(",",0,0).toInt();
++    int R = info.section(",",1,1).toInt();
++    L = (L*100)/255; //percent
++    R = (R*100)/255; //percent
++    if(L>R){ out = L; }
++    else{ out = R; }
++  }
++  return out;
+ }
+ //Set the current volume
+ void LOS::setAudioVolume(int percent){
+-  //not implemented yet
++ if(percent<0){percent=0;}
++  else if(percent>100){percent=100;}
++  QString info = LUtils::getCmdOutput("mixerctl -n outputs.master").join(",").simplified(); //ignores any other lines
++  if(!info.isEmpty()){
++    int L = info.section(",",0,0).toInt();
++    int R = info.section(",",1,1).toInt();
++    L = (L*100)/255; //percent
++    R = (R*100)/255; //percent
++    int diff = L-R;
++    if(diff<0){ R=percent; L=percent+diff; } //R Greater
++    else{ L=percent; R=percent-diff; } //L Greater or equal
++    //Check bounds
++    if(L<0){L=0;}else if(L>100){L=100;}
++    if(R<0){R=0;}else if(R>100){R=100;}
++    //Run Command
++    L = (L*255)/100; //0-255
++    R = (R*255)/100; //0-255
++    LUtils::runCmd("mixerctl -q outputs.master="+QString::number(L)+","+QString::number(R));
++  }    
+ }
+ //Change the current volume a set amount (+ or -)
+ void LOS::changeAudioVolume(int percentdiff){
+-  //not implemented yet
++  QString info = LUtils::getCmdOutput("mixerctl -n outputs.master").join(",").simplified(); //ignores any other lines
++  if(!info.isEmpty()){
++    int L = info.section(",",0,0).toInt();
++    int R = info.section(",",1,1).toInt();
++    L = (L*100)/255; //percent
++    R = (R*100)/255; //percent
++    L = L + percentdiff;
++    R = R + percentdiff;
++    //Check bounds
++    if(L<0){L=0;}else if(L>100){L=100;}
++    if(R<0){R=0;}else if(R>100){R=100;}
++    //Run Command
++    L = (L*255)/100; //0-255
++    R = (R*255)/100; //0-255
++    LUtils::runCmd("mixerctl -q outputs.master="+QString::number(L)+","+QString::number(R));
++  }
+ }
+ //Check if a graphical audio mixer is installed
+@@ -102,32 +185,32 @@
+ //Check for suspend support
+ bool LOS::systemCanSuspend(){
+-  return false;
++  return false;//if exist s3, s4 or s5 in sysctl hc.acpi.sleep.states
+ }
+ //Put the system into the suspend state
+ void LOS::systemSuspend(){
++//use sysctl -w hw.acpi.sleep.states=3
+ }
+ //Battery Availability
+ bool LOS::hasBattery(){
+-  return false; //not implemented yet
++  return false; //not implemented yet, use envsys framework
+ }
+ //Battery Charge Level
+ int LOS::batteryCharge(){ //Returns: percent charge (0-100), anything outside that range is counted as an error
+-  return -1;  //not implemented yet
++  return -1;  //not implemented yet, use envsys framework
+ }
+ //Battery Charging State
+ bool LOS::batteryIsCharging(){
+-  return false; //not implemented yet
++  return false; //not implemented yet, use envsys framework
+ }
+ //Battery Time Remaining
+ int LOS::batterySecondsLeft(){ //Returns: estimated number of seconds remaining
+-  return 0; //not implemented yet
++  return 0; //not implemented yet, use envsys framework
+ }
+ //File Checksums
+@@ -163,7 +246,7 @@
+ }
+ QStringList LOS::CPUTemperatures(){ //Returns: List containing the temperature of any CPU's ("50C" for example)
+-  return QStringList(); //not implemented yet
++  return QStringList(); //not implemented yet, use envsys framework
+ }
+ int LOS::CPUUsagePercent(){ //Returns: Overall percentage of the amount of CPU cycles in use (-1 for errors)

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