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slrn: Deleted rc file.
Module Name: pkgsrc-wip
Committed By: Michael Baeuerle <>
Pushed By: micha
Date: Mon Jul 30 17:06:38 2018 +0200
Changeset: 15410aede1f8fe696a92f9411d89f89a085812b1
Removed Files:
Log Message:
slrn: Deleted rc file.
To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=15410aede1f8fe696a92f9411d89f89a085812b1
Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.
slrn/slrn.rc | 560 -----------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 560 deletions(-)
diff --git a/slrn/slrn.rc b/slrn/slrn.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 38e5626a83..0000000000
--- a/slrn/slrn.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-% -*- slang -*-
-%% This is a sample startup file for the slrn newsreader and meant as a
-%% template for your personal startup file; it is not a full reference
-%% of slrn's config options -- please see the reference manual for this.
-%% The percent character is used for comments.
-%% 1. Tell slrn about your identity (name, email address and such)
-% The "From:" header will be generated from the following three variables.
-% With the example settings, it would read "John Doe <>"
-%set username "john"
-%set hostname ""
-%set realname "John Doe"
-% Set this if you want replies to your articles to go to a address different
-% from the one in "From:".
-%set replyto "John Doe <>"
-% What to put into the "Organization:" header line.
-%set organization "Doe inc."
-% The name of your signature file. If "", no signature is added.
-%set signature ".signature"
-%% 2. Server specific settings
-% Tell slrn which newsrc file it should use for which server.
-% Note: This does *not* set the default server; you need to set the
-% NNTPSERVER environment variable for this.
-%server "" ".jnewsrc-doe"
-% If a server requires authentication, add a nnrpaccess line for it.
-% If you leave username and/or password empty, slrn will prompt for it.
-%nnrpaccess "" "john" "secret"
-% Some servers require authentication, but don't ask for it.
-% To offer your authentication data "voluntarily", set this variable to 1.
-%set force_authentication 0
-% This can either be set to "nntp" (read online) or "spool" (use local spool)
-%set server_object "nntp"
-% This can be "nntp" (post directly to the server), "inews" (use external
-% program for posting) or "slrnpull" (spool message for slrnpull to send).
-%set post_object "nntp"
-% Set this to zero if you want to leave Message-ID generation to your server
-% or your system does not have a proper unique hostname.
-%set generate_message_id 1
-% If non-zero, slrn reads the active file on each startup. You might want to
-% use this if your network connection is fast or the server has few groups.
-%set read_active 0
-% The following variables are only meaningful when using spool mode:
-% Basic directory settings
-%set spool_inn_root "/var/lib/news"
-%set spool_root "/var/spool/news"
-%set spool_nov_root "/var/spool/news/over.view"
-% These are relative to spool_inn_root unless they start with "/".
-%set spool_active_file "data/active"
-%set spool_activetimes_file "data/active.times"
-%set spool_newsgroups_file "data/newsgroups"
-% This value is relative to the directories under spool_nov_root:
-%set spool_nov_file ".overview"
-% Whether to check for each article when reading an overview file (slower,
-% but may save you from lots of "article not available" errors).
-%set spool_check_up_on_nov 0
-%% 3. Which external programs do you want to use?
-% Note OS/2 and Win32 users:
-% To separate directories you can either use a single '/' or
-% double '\\'. Single backslashes are not supported. For example, use
-% "C:\\home\\file.txt" or "C:/home/file.txt" but NOT "C:\home\file.txt"
-% Set your favourite editor. Use %s for the file name and %d for the line
-% where the cursor should be placed (usually at the beginning of the body).
-%set editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp"
-%set editor_command "vim -c %d '%s'"
-% You can have separate commands for editing posts, mail, and score files.
-%set mail_editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp --mail-mode"
-%set post_editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp --mail-mode"
-%set score_editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp --score-arrange-score"
-% If non-zero, abort posting or email operation if the file was not modified
-% by the editor.
-%set abort_unmodified_edits 0
-% In case we need metamail to display an article:
-%set metamail_command "metamail"
-% WWW browser to use. Xbrowser is used when the DISPLAY environment variable
-% is set; non_Xbrowser otherwise.
-%set non_Xbrowser "lynx '%s'"
-%set Xbrowser "firefox '%s' &"
-% Command to use for printing
-% Note: On Win32, this variable defines the name of the printer queue to use.
-%set printer_name "lpr -Plp"
-% In case you want to use another mailer than sendmail. Be sure that it
-% implements the same interface, though!
-%set sendmail_command "/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -oem -odb"
-% Set this to one if you want the "From:" header in e-mails to be generated
-% from the hostname / username / realname variable.
-% Note: Not all MTAs are configured to allow this.
-%set generate_email_from 0
-%% 4. Directory / file names
-% Note: All filenames in this section are relative to HOME unless they start
-% with a '/'.
-% Filename where articles / email you sent are archived.
-% Note: If these are unset, slrn does not keep a copy of outgoing messages.
-%set save_posts "News/My_Posts"
-%set save_replies "News/My_Replies"
-% File where failed posts are appended. Use "" to disable saving.
-%set failed_posts_file "dead.letter"
-% Name of score file.
-%set scorefile "News/Score"
-% Name of directory where decoded files are placed.
-%set decode_directory "News"
-% Directory where all other files are saved.
-%set save_directory "News"
-% Directory where postponed articles are placed. Please make sure it exists.
-%set postpone_directory "News/postponed"
-% Whether to put temporary files for postings, followups and replies in the
-% directory specified by the TMPDIR environment variable or /tmp.
-%set use_tmpdir 0
-%% 5. Attribution lines / custom headers
-% This sets the attribution lines for follow-ups and replies. The following
-% format specifiers are recognized:
-% %d:date, %D:date (formatted), %r:real name, %R:first name,
-% %f:email address, %s:subject, %m:msgid, %n:newsgroups, %%: percent
-%set followup_string "On %D, %r <%f> wrote:"
-%set reply_string "In %n, you wrote:"
-% Custom headers to add to *new* posts
-%set custom_headers "Mail-Copies-To: nobody"
-% Custom headers for followup/reply/supersedes. These can use format
-% specifiers as in the 'followup_string' variable.
-%set followup_custom_headers "Mail-Copies-To: nobody"
-%set reply_custom_headers "X-newsgroup: %n\nX-realname: %r"
-%set supersedes_custom_headers "X-Superseded-Date: %d"
-% This is inserted when sending email CCs of your postings.
-%set cc_post_string "[This message has also been posted to %n.]"
-%% 6. Character mapping / MIME support
-% Character set used for the display or terminal; valid values include:
-% utf-8, iso-8859-1, ibm850, ibm852, koi8,
-%charset display "utf-8"
-% the character set used for outgoing articles
-%charset outgoing "utf-8"
-% If non-zero, call metamail for MIME formats slrn cannot handle.
-%set use_metamail 1
-%% 7. Some preferences for the header window (see the manual for more)
-% These sorting methods are available:
-% If 0, do not sort. If 1, perform threading. If 2, sort by subject.
-% If 3, thread then sort result by subject.
-% If 4, sort by score. If 5, thread then sort by score.
-% If 6, sort by score and subject.
-% If 7, thread, then sort by score and subject.
-% If 8, sort by date with most recent first.
-% If 9, thread, then sort by date with most recent first.
-% If 10, sort by date with most recent last.
-% If 11, thread then sort by date with most recent last.
-% If 12, use the value of the custom_sort_order variable.
-%set sorting_method 3
-% If non-zero, a header with a new subject will start a new thread.
-%set new_subject_breaks_threads 0
-%% 8. Some preferences for the article pager (see the manual for more)
-% Which headers do you want to see by default?
-% You can also match all headers starting with a given string and exclude
-% specific headers by preceding them with "!" (e.g. use "X-,!X-Trace:" to
-% display all the "X-"headers except "X-Trace:").
-%visible_headers "From:,Subject:,Newsgroups:,Followup-To:,Reply-To:"
-% If non-zero, #v+ and #v- will be interpreted as markers of verbatim lines.
-%set process_verbatim_marks 1
-% If non-zero, hide #v+/#v- verbatim marks.
-%set hide_verbatim_marks 0
-% If non-zero, hide signature in articles.
-%set hide_signature 0
-% If non-zero, hide PGP signature in articles.
-%set hide_pgpsignature 0
-% Set the starting score for an article that has headers that are invalid,
-% e.g., an invalid From header.
-%set invalid_header_score -1000
-%% 9. Display / color settings
-% If non-zero, slrn will draw the thread tree using simple ascii characters
-%set simulate_graphic_chars 0
-% Enable xterm/win32 mouse support: 1 to enable, 0 to disable
-%set mouse 0
-% Draw cursor bar ala tin instead of slrn "->" cursor?
-%set display_cursor_bar 0
-% Set to 1 to have slrn scroll by full page instead of by line.
-%set scroll_by_page 0
-% Should color be used to indicate the score of an article?
-% (0) scores do not influence colors (1) scores are colored by their value
-% (2) subjects are colored by score (3) both are colored by score
-%set color_by_score 3
-% If non-zero, the subjects of unread articles are highlighted
-%set highlight_unread_subjects 1
-% If non-zero, URLs are highlighted.
-%set highlight_urls 1
-% Enables blinking in monochrome mode and allows bright backgrounds in some
-% color terminals:
-%set use_blink 1
-% This color object is only used when highlight_unread_subjects is set to 2
-% (see the reference manual for details):
-color unread_subject "white" "black" "bold"
-mono unread_subject "bold"
-% These settings are used for color terminals:
-color article "lightgray" "black"
-color author "magenta" "black"
-color boldtext "brightblue" "black" "bold"
-color box "black" "white"
-color cursor "brightgreen" "black"
-color date "lightgray" "black"
-color description "lightgray" "black"
-color error "red" "black" "blink"
-color frame "yellow" "blue"
-color from_myself "brightmagenta" "black" "bold"
-color group "lightgray" "black" "bold"
-color grouplens_display "lightgray" "black"
-color header_name "green" "black" "bold"
-color header_number "green" "black"
-color headers "brightcyan" "black"
-color neg_score "green" "black"
-color pos_score "blue" "black"
-color high_score "red" "black" "bold"
-color italicstext "magenta" "black" "bold"
-color menu "yellow" "blue"
-color menu_press "lightgray" "yellow"
-color message "lightgray" "black"
-color normal "lightgray" "black"
-color pgpsignature "lightgray" "black"
-color quotes "red" "black"
-color quotes1 "magenta" "black"
-color quotes2 "brown" "black"
-color quotes3 "brown" "black"
-color quotes4 "brown" "black"
-color quotes5 "brown" "black"
-color quotes6 "brown" "black"
-color quotes7 "brown" "black"
-color response_char "green" "black" "bold"
-color signature "red" "black"
-color selection "yellow" "blue" "bold"
-color status "yellow" "blue"
-color subject "lightgray" "black"
-color thread_number "lightgray" "black" "bold"
-color tilde "green" "black" "bold"
-color tree "red" "black" "bold"
-color underlinetext "cyan" "black" "underline"
-color url "white" "black" "bold"
-color verbatim "green" "black"
-% These attributes are for terminals that cannot display color:
-mono article "none"
-mono author "none"
-mono boldtext "bold"
-mono cursor "bold" "reverse"
-mono date "none"
-mono description "none"
-mono error "blink"
-mono frame "reverse"
-mono from_myself "bold"
-mono group "bold"
-mono grouplens_display "none"
-mono header_name "bold"
-mono header_number "none"
-mono headers "none"
-mono high_score "bold"
-mono italicstext "bold"
-mono menu "reverse"
-mono menu_press "none"
-mono neg_score "none"
-mono normal "none"
-mono pgpsignature "none"
-mono pos_score "reverse"
-mono quotes "none"
-mono quotes1 "none"
-mono quotes2 "none"
-mono quotes3 "none"
-mono quotes4 "none"
-mono quotes5 "none"
-mono quotes6 "none"
-mono quotes7 "none"
-mono response_char "bold"
-mono selection "bold"
-mono signature "none"
-mono status "reverse"
-mono subject "none"
-mono thread_number "bold"
-mono tilde "bold"
-mono tree "none"
-mono underlinetext "underline"
-mono url "bold"
-mono verbatim "none"
-%% 10. Group mode key bindings
-% Cursor movement:
-setkey group line_down "<Down>" % Go to the next group
-setkey group line_down "^N"
-setkey group line_up "<Up>" % Go to the previous group
-setkey group line_up "^P"
-setkey group page_down "^V" % Scroll to the next page
-setkey group page_down "<PageDown>"
-setkey group page_down "^D"
-setkey group page_up "<Esc>V" % Scroll to the previous page
-setkey group page_up "<PageUp>"
-setkey group page_up "^U"
-setkey group bob "<Esc><" % Go to the bottom of the list
-setkey group bob "^K<Up>"
-setkey group eob "<Esc>>" % Go to the top of the list
-setkey group eob "^K<Down>"
-setkey group group_search_backward "\\"% Group keyword search backward
-setkey group group_search_forward "/" % Group keyword search forward
-% Actions:
-setkey group select_group "<Space>" % Enter the current newsgroup
-setkey group select_group "<Return>"
-setkey group post "P" % Post an article
-setkey group post_postponed "<Esc>P" % Post or edit a postponed article
-setkey group refresh_groups "G" % Get new news from server
-setkey group toggle_scoring "K" % Select scoring mode
-setkey group repeat_last_key "." % Repeat last key sequence
-setkey group evaluate_cmd "^X<Esc>" % Read line and interpret it as S-Lang
-setkey group suspend "^Z" % Suspend slrn
-setkey group quit "Q" % Quit slrn
-% Group management:
-setkey group catchup "C" % Mark all articles as read
-setkey group uncatchup "<Esc>u" % Mark all articles as unread
-setkey group add_group "a" % Add a new newsgroup
-setkey group subscribe "S" % Subscribe to the current newsgroup
-setkey group unsubscribe "U" % Unsubscribe from the current newsgroup
-setkey group move_group "m" % Move newsgroup to a different location
-setkey group transpose_groups "^X^T" % Transpose position of groups
-setkey group save_newsrc "X" % Force a save of the newsrc file
-% Display:
-setkey group toggle_group_formats "<Esc>A" % Toggle group display formats
-setkey group toggle_hidden "l" % Toggle display of hidden groups
-setkey group toggle_list_all "L" % Toggle listing of unsubscribed groups
-setkey group redraw "^L" % Redraw the screen
-setkey group redraw "^R"
-setkey group help "?" % Display a help screen
-%% 11. Article mode key bindings
-% General movement:
-setkey article next "n" % next unread article
-setkey article previous "p" % previous unread article
-setkey article skip_to_next_group "N" % go to the next group
-setkey article skip_to_next_group "<Esc><Right>"
-setkey article skip_to_previous_group "<Esc><Left>" % go to the previous group
-setkey article next_high_score "!" % next article with high score
-setkey article next_same_subject "=" % next article with same subject
-setkey article goto_last_read "L" % go to the last read article
-% Actions:
-setkey article post "P" % Post a new article
-setkey article post_postponed "<Esc>P" % Post/edit a postponed article
-setkey article followup "f" % Post a followup
-setkey article reply "r" % Reply to poster
-setkey article forward "F" % Forward posting via mail
-setkey article supersede "<Esc>^S" % Supersede article
-setkey article cancel "<Esc>^C" % Cancel article
-setkey article save "O" % Save article
-setkey article pipe "|" % Pipe article
-setkey article print "y" % Print article
-setkey article decode ":" % Decode article
-setkey article suspend "^Z" % Suspend slrn
-setkey article quit "q" % Quit slrn
-setkey article fast_quit "Q" % Quit slrn immediately
-% Moving in the article pager:
-setkey article article_line_down "<Esc><Down>" % Scroll article down one line
-setkey article article_line_down "<Return>"
-setkey article article_line_up "<Esc><Up>" % Scroll article up one line
-setkey article article_page_down "<Space>" % Scroll article down one page
-setkey article article_page_up "<Backspace>" % Scroll article up one page
-setkey article article_page_up "b" % Scroll article up one page
-setkey article article_eob ">" % Move to the end of the article
-setkey article article_bob "<" % Move to the beginning
-setkey article article_left "<Left>" % Pan article to the left
-setkey article article_right "<Right>" % Pan article to the right
-setkey article article_search "/" % Search forward in the article
-setkey article skip_quotes "<Tab>" % Skip beyond quoted text
-setkey article forward_digest "g" % Skip to next digest
-% Moving in the header display:
-setkey article header_line_down "<Down>" % Move to next article
-setkey article header_line_down "^N"
-setkey article header_line_up "<Up>" % Move to previous article
-setkey article header_line_up "^P"
-setkey article header_page_down "^V" % Scroll down one page
-setkey article header_page_down "<PageDown>"
-setkey article header_page_down "^D"
-setkey article header_page_up "<Esc>V" % Scroll up one page
-setkey article header_page_up "<PageUp>"
-setkey article header_page_up "^U"
-setkey article header_eob "<Esc>>" % Go to last article in group
-setkey article header_bob "<Esc><" % Go to first article in group
-setkey article goto_article "j" % Move to article (number)
-setkey article author_search_forward "a" % Author search forward
-setkey article author_search_backward "A" % Author search backward
-setkey article subject_search_forward "s" % Subject search forward
-setkey article subject_search_backward "S" % Subject search backward
-% Marking as read/unread:
-setkey article delete "d" % Mark article as read
-setkey article undelete "u" % Mark article as unread
-setkey article delete_thread "<Esc>d" % Mark (Sub-)Thread as read
-setkey article catchup_all "c" % Mark all articles as read
-setkey article catchup_all "<Esc>c"
-setkey article catchup "<Esc>C" % Catchup (up to this article)
-setkey article uncatchup_all "<Esc>u" % Mark all articles as unread
-setkey article uncatchup "<Esc>U" % Uncatchup (up to this article)
-setkey article expunge "x" % Remove all read articles
-% Display properties:
-setkey article toggle_headers "t" % Full headers (on/off)
-setkey article toggle_rot13 "<Esc>R" % Toggle ROT-13 decryption
-setkey article toggle_quotes "T" % Display quoted lines (on/off)
-setkey article toggle_signature "\\" % Show signature (on/off)
-setkey article wrap_article "W" % Wrap long lines (on/off)
-setkey article show_spoilers "<Esc>?" % Reveal spoilers (on/off)
-setkey article toggle_pgpsignature "]" % Show PGP signature (on/off)
-setkey article toggle_verbatim_marks "[" % Show verbatim marks (on/off)
-setkey article enlarge_article_window "^" % Enlarge the article window
-setkey article shrink_article_window "^^" % Shrink the article window
-setkey article zoom_article_window "z" % Maximize/Unmaximize article
-setkey article hide_article "h" % Hide/Show the article window
-setkey article browse_url "U" % Search for URL and follow it
-setkey article toggle_sort "<Esc>S" % Select threading method
-setkey article toggle_collapse_threads "<Esc>t" % Collapse/Uncollapse thread
-setkey article toggle_header_formats "<Esc>a" % Toggle header display formats
-setkey article redraw "^L" % Redraw screen
-setkey article redraw "^R" % Redraw screen
-setkey article help "?" % Display help screen
-% Miscellaneous actions:
-setkey article create_score "K" % Create a scorefile entry
-setkey article view_scores "v" % Show which rules matched
-setkey article locate_article "<Esc>l" % Locate article by Message-ID
-setkey article get_children_headers "<Esc>^P" % Find all children
-setkey article get_parent_header "<Esc>p" % Reconstruct thread
-setkey article mark_spot ";" % Mark current article position
-setkey article exchange_mark "," % Return to marked article
-setkey article tag_header "#" % Numerically tag article
-setkey article untag_headers "<Esc>#" % Remove all numerical tags
-setkey article toggle_header_tag "*" % Set/remove header tag
-setkey article repeat_last_key "." % Repeat last key sequence
-setkey article grouplens_rate_article "0" % Rate article with grouplens
-setkey article evaluate_cmd "^X<Esc>" % Interpret line as S-Lang
-%% Command prompt key bindings
-setkey readline bol "^A" % Beginning of line
-setkey readline eol "^E" % End of line
-setkey readline right "<Right>" % Move right
-setkey readline left "<Left>" % Move left
-setkey readline bdel "^H" % Delete backward
-setkey readline bdel "^?" % Delete Backward
-setkey readline del "^D" % Delete Foreword
-setkey readline delbol "^U" % Delete to Beginning of line
-setkey readline delbow "^W" % Delete to Beginning of word
-setkey readline deleol "^K" % Delete to End of line
-setkey readline trim "<Esc>/" % Trim whitespace
-setkey readline quoted_insert "^Q" % Quoted insert
-setkey readline complete "<Tab>" % Complete filename
-setkey readline cycle " " % Cycle among filenames
-%% Cancel-Lock related
-% The Message-ID is required to calculate Cancel-Locks. One option is to enable
-% "generate_message_id" option above. "posting_host" can be set if your machine
-% has no FQDN.
-%posting_host "domain.example" % Domain under your control
-% File containing the secret. This file can be shared with other newsreaders
-% that use the recommended algorithm from Section 4 of RFC 8315.
-%set cansecret_file "/home/user/.cancelsecret"
-% Hash algorithm to use for <scheme> and HMAC according to RFC 8315.
-% Supported values: "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA512".
-% If this option is not specified, "SHA256" is used as default.
-%set canlock_algo "SHA256"
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