pkgsrc-WIP-changes by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 09 07:42:33 2025
Timezone is UTC
- termtosvg: tweaks and improvements pointed out by ,
Frederic Cambus
- Introducing draft package for cyrus-imapd30. From ,
Matthias Petermann
- gsettings-desktop-schemas: remove, pkgsrc version ,
Thomas Klausner
- vault: Update to 1.3.3,
Iku Iwasa
- heimdal: fix build on NetBSD, update TODO,
Thomas Klausner
- TODO: remove spotifyd, update done,
Thomas Klausner
- py-gitdb: replace py-gitdb2,
Thomas Klausner
- py-smmap: replace py-smmap2,
Thomas Klausner
- py-git: update to 3.1.0.,
Thomas Klausner
- Makefile: sort,
Thomas Klausner
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Makefile: sort,
Thomas Klausner (via pkgsrc-wip)
- update bash replacements, move filextmanager as a ,
- pcp: Add reference to CVE-2019-3695 and CVE-2019-3,
Travis Paul
- netkit-telnet: Add reference to CVE-2020-10188,
Travis Paul
- Makefile: Restore entries that are deleted by acci,
Michael Baeuerle
- woof: Import version 1.0.1,
Michael Baeuerle
- tokei: add .crates2.json to PLIST,
Thomas Klausner
- termtosvg: Remove not needed GITHUB_TAG,
Leonardo Taccari
- termtosvg: Sort PLIST,
Leonardo Taccari
- Import termtosvg 1.1.0 as wip/termtosvg.,
Frederic Cambus
- Import dbip-city-lite 2020-03 wip/dbip-city-lite.,
Frederic Cambus
- Import dbip-country-lite 2020-03 wip/dbip-country-,
Frederic Cambus
- security/heimdal update to v7.7.0 - See TODO file.,
Kimmo Suominen
- pkgsrc codelite upgrade to 14.0 version,
- prboom-plus: Add link to upstream bugtracker in pa,
Michael Baeuerle
- abduco: Remove, imported,
- flnews-devel: Update to 0.18pre12,
Michael Baeuerle
- TODO: + gitlab-12.8.,
Thomas Klausner
- wireshark2: Import wireshark-2.6.15 as wip/wiresha,
Leonardo Taccari
- blas and lapack: Split the two again to make upgra,
Dr. Thomas Orgis
- php-composer: Add correct license,
Travis Paul
- php-composer: Remove TODO,
Travis Paul
- php-gnupg: Add check for gpgme compiled with gnupg,
Travis Paul
- Update Electrum to 3.3.8,
Jonathan Schleifer
- prboom-plus: Version from pkgsrc with patches for ,
Michael Baeuerle
- use math/arpack-ng (arpack is obsolete),
Iain Hibbert
- zlua: install bin/zlua as a symlink, and update ME,
Dean Matzkov
- Import actor-model as wip/actor-model,
Dean Matzkov
- htop-git: Adds SUBDIRs entry to Makefile.,
Santhosh Raju
- htop-git: Modified version of sysutils/htop for Ne,
Santhosh Raju
Benny Siegert
- gsm: remove, pkgsrc version is newer,
Thomas Klausner
- Some go module updates.,
Benny Siegert
- TODO: + py-smmap2-3.0.1.,
Thomas Klausner
- findcrcs: fix build with gcc,
Thomas Klausner
- ruby-asciidoctor-pdf: Upgrade to 1.5.3.,
Charlotte Koch
- Import ruby-asciidoctor-pdf 1.5.2.,
Charlotte Koch
- Import ruby-treetop16,
Charlotte Koch
- Import ruby-prawn-svg 0.30.0.,
Charlotte Koch
- Import ruby-prawn-table 0.2.2.,
Charlotte Koch
- Import ruby-prawn-templates 0.1.2.,
Charlotte Koch
- Import ruby-prawn-icon 2.5.0.,
Charlotte Koch
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