pkgsrc-WIP-changes by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 09 07:42:34 2025
Timezone is UTC
- wip/ldc: Add missing DESCR, wip/ldc017: update DES,
Dan Cîrnaț
- py-reverse-geocoder: Removed, didn't work since th,
Aleksej Lebedev
- lxqt-archiver, declare qt5-qtbase as dependency,
- LXQt-0.15.0, correct path errors,
- dub: Import dub-1.21.0 as wip/dub,
Dan Cîrnaț
- doomlegacy-devel: Update man page,
Michael Baeuerle
- doomlegacy-devel: Hook in new blockmap creation co,
Michael Baeuerle
- Mailman 2.1.33,
- sfml+: remove TODO,
Maya Rashish
- doomlegacy-devel: Import code for internal blockma,
Michael Baeuerle
- qutebrowser update to 1.11.1, fixes CVE-2020-11054,
- kio-extras: Add reference to CVE-2020-12755,
Leonardo Taccari
- libcanlock: Update to 3.2.0rc2,
Michael Baeuerle
- qutebrowser: Reuse PKGVERSION_NOREV for GITHUB_TAG,
Leonardo Taccari
- qutebrowser: Add reference to CVE-2020-11054,
Leonardo Taccari
- fltk2,fltk14-devel: Take maintainership,
Michael Baeuerle
- efl-current: Fix ERROR: [],
- enlightenment-current: Import enlightenment-curren,
- Move old LDC to ldc017 subdir,
Dan Cîrnaț
- ldc: Update wip/ldc to 1.20.0,
Dan Cîrnaț
- libcanlock: Run autoconf/automake to pickup patch,
Michael Baeuerle
- woof: Remove, imported as games/woof,
Michael Baeuerle
- doomlegacy-devel: Update to SVN revision 1528,
Michael Baeuerle
- lxqt-archiver, add missing dependencies,
- screengrab, add missing dependencies,
- TODO: + nuspell-3.1.1, py-smmap-3.0.4, tokei-11.1.,
Thomas Klausner
- Update libvips to 8.9.2,
- {lib,}i2pd: bumped version and removed obsolete bu,
- baresip: update to baresip-0.6.6,
Yorick Hardy
- bstone: update to bstone-1.2.0,
Yorick Hardy
- chibi-scheme: Remove, imported in pkgsrc as lang/c,
Leonardo Taccari
- ruby-3llo: Remove hard-coded @pkgdir,
Leonardo Taccari
- ruby-3llo: Import ruby-3llo-1.1.0 as wip/ruby-3llo,
Leonardo Taccari
- efl-current: fix build with add LD_LIBRARY_PATH to,
- remove packages, as no longer required to support ,
Iain Hibbert
- go-protobuf-go: Import go-protobuf-go-1.22.0 as wi,
Iku Iwasa
- openhexagon: fix merge conflict,
Iain Hibbert
- openhexagon: reconfigure build,
Iain Hibbert
- openhexagon: rework build,
Iain Hibbert
- efl-current: Import efl-current-1.24.0 as wip/efl-,
- openhexagon: avoid closing after 75 seconds of pla,
Maya Rashish
- statzone: remove, imported in pkgsrc as net/statzo,
Frederic Cambus
- Revert "terraform: Import terraform-0.12.24 as wip,
Dan Cîrnaț
- terraform: Import terraform-0.12.24 as wip/terrafo,
Dan Cîrnaț
- nomad: Import nomad-0.11.1 as wip/nomad,
Dan Cîrnaț
- ldc: Update to version 0.17.6 (last C++ version),
Dan Cîrnaț
- py-shp: updated to 2.1.0,
Aleksej Lebedev
- libLLVM38: Update install prefixes and PLIST,
Dan Cîrnaț
- libLLVM38: PATCH to fix building with clang 10.0.0,
Dan Cîrnaț
- lgogdownloader-git: bump version to follow upstrea,
Thomas Klausner
- mk: Add draft for gitlab fetch,
- Add guile-colorized Version 0.1,
- openhexagon: depend on lua directly,
Iain Hibbert
- Update routinator to version 0.7.0.,
Havard Eidnes
- remove py-cryptodomex imported in pkgsrc,
- remove py-impacket, imported.,
- GoogleEarth: Add reference to CVE-2020-8896,
Leonardo Taccari
- lxqt-config, reverse exceptions,
- LXQt-0.15.0 meta-pkg fix wrong path in,
- openhexagon: find dependencies in BUILDLINK_DIR,
Iain Hibbert
- openhexagon: simplify MODULES->DISTFILES process,
Iain Hibbert
- openhexagon: use MASTER_SITE_GITHUB,
Iain Hibbert
- openhexagon: use ${ECHO} instead of echo,
Iain Hibbert
- urlwatch: update to urlwatch-2.18,
Yorick Hardy
- woof: Update to 1.2.1,
Michael Baeuerle
- crispy-doom: Add link to commit for merged pkgsrc ,
Michael Baeuerle
- doomlegacy-devel: Update to SVN revision 1522,
Michael Baeuerle
- qutebrowser: Update to 1.11.0,
- gnucash-devel: add development release for gnucash,
Thomas Klausner
- castget: Update to 2.0.1,
Ryosuke Moro
- LXQt-0.15.0, update,
- openhexagon: include 'Assets' module from github,
Iain Hibbert
- openhexagon: install wrapper to ${PREFIX}/bin,
Iain Hibbert
- zdbsp: Add README,
Michael Baeuerle
- ajbsp: Remove, imported as games/ajbsp,
Michael Baeuerle
- tscrape: adjust category (it is more www-ish than ,
Leonardo Taccari
- tscrape: Bump PKGVERSION to match upstream one,
Leonardo Taccari
- sfeed: Bump PKGVERSION to match upstream one,
Leonardo Taccari
- zdbsp: Add patches for big endian machines,
Michael Baeuerle
- LXQt meta-pkg: Update to 0.15.0,
- New package, lxqt-archiver,
- screengrab, fixed install error,
- openhexagon: add BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.*?= build for,
Iain Hibbert
- proj: Update to 7.0.1,
Greg Troxel
- catpoint-git: Import catpoint-git-1.0 as wip/catpo,
Leonardo Taccari
- pointtools-git: Import pointtools-git-0.3 as wip/p,
Leonardo Taccari
- screengrab: Update to 2.0.1,
- py-reverse_geocoder: imported version 1.5.,
Aleksej Lebedev
- vault: Update to 1.4.1,
Iku Iwasa
- st-term-git: Bump PKGVERSION to follow upstream on,
Leonardo Taccari
- endless-sky: update to endless-sky-0.9.12,
Yorick Hardy
- OpenLara: update build options to match changes in,
Yorick Hardy
- openhexagon: clean up submodules,
Iain Hibbert
- telegram-desktop: Add reference to CVE-2020-12474,
Leonardo Taccari
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