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bsdfetch: remove, package updated and imported in the main tree.

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Paolo Vincenzo Olivo <>
Pushed By:	vms
Date:		Sun Dec 18 15:56:07 2022 +0100
Changeset:	83d6eb836e8f939ea840ee631193a9be6ebbc4cf

Modified Files:
Removed Files:

Log Message:
bsdfetch: remove, package updated and imported in the main tree.

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=83d6eb836e8f939ea840ee631193a9be6ebbc4cf

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 Makefile                              |   1 -
 bsdfetch/DESCR                        |   2 -
 bsdfetch/Makefile                     |  29 --
 bsdfetch/PLIST                        |   2 -
 bsdfetch/distinfo                     |   8 -
 bsdfetch/patches/patch-Makefile       |  15 --
 bsdfetch/patches/patch-bsdfetch.c     | 485 ----------------------------------
 bsdfetch/patches/patch-sysctlbyname.c |  15 --
 8 files changed, 557 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 81b73a91d8..b9b2226c2c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -340,7 +340,6 @@ SUBDIR+=	bsa
 SUBDIR+=	bscript
 SUBDIR+=	bsdbuild
 SUBDIR+=	bsdec2-image-upload
-SUBDIR+=	bsdfetch
 SUBDIR+=	bsfilter
 SUBDIR+=	bsh
 SUBDIR+=	bsnmp
diff --git a/bsdfetch/DESCR b/bsdfetch/DESCR
deleted file mode 100644
index d9e0f25ff4..0000000000
--- a/bsdfetch/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-bsdfetch is a simple tool to show information about a running
-FreeBSD/OpenBSD/MidnightBSD/NetBSD/DragonflyBSD system.
diff --git a/bsdfetch/Makefile b/bsdfetch/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd93ba16a..0000000000
--- a/bsdfetch/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD$
-DISTNAME=	bsdfetch-0.9
-CATEGORIES=	sysutils
-GITHUB_TAG=	9840c3153fcf49150ebcee94f527f4ebcc0b8c1b
-COMMENT=	BSD system information tool written in C
-ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM+=	DragonFly-*-*
-CFLAGS+=	-Wall -Wunused -Wextra
-CFLAGS+=	-Wshadow -pedantic
-.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/bsdfetch/PLIST b/bsdfetch/PLIST
deleted file mode 100644
index 973c942bbd..0000000000
--- a/bsdfetch/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-@comment $NetBSD$
diff --git a/bsdfetch/distinfo b/bsdfetch/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a997e4499..0000000000
--- a/bsdfetch/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-BLAKE2s (bsdfetch-0.9-9840c3153fcf49150ebcee94f527f4ebcc0b8c1b.tar.gz) = ee4bd56abbdb8c5ef1159798bfdc3f18b535520facea300d69002ebd02813c91
-SHA512 (bsdfetch-0.9-9840c3153fcf49150ebcee94f527f4ebcc0b8c1b.tar.gz) = b62d956f25eacc2426743c09523e89ade002fadd44445aa5c2628425b10d45d0133354be765af17fac78a936436197a8de5b02efd9c670dcdcf9513f0b744bb3
-Size (bsdfetch-0.9-9840c3153fcf49150ebcee94f527f4ebcc0b8c1b.tar.gz) = 6794 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-Makefile) = 62812c29b42d05ad9a9b1b9cc263ec309a7a4771
-SHA1 (patch-bsdfetch.c) = 3a9f15df7d24d1538184a246cfd6d8cc90221b1c
-SHA1 (patch-sysctlbyname.c) = d00d3466cc3be82c7cf01ecfb6b5b12099adcc44
diff --git a/bsdfetch/patches/patch-Makefile b/bsdfetch/patches/patch-Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b4a2d6e4..0000000000
--- a/bsdfetch/patches/patch-Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Let pkgsrc define optimization flags.
---- Makefile.orig	2022-11-23 13:22:36.000000000 +0000
-+++ Makefile
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ OPTIMIZATION=-O2
- .PHONY: all
- all:
-+	$(CC) $(SRC) -o $(OBJ) $(CFLAGS)
- .PHONY: debug
- debug:
diff --git a/bsdfetch/patches/patch-bsdfetch.c b/bsdfetch/patches/patch-bsdfetch.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bc6eaa385..0000000000
--- a/bsdfetch/patches/patch-bsdfetch.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-Stability and portability fixes.
---- bsdfetch.c.orig	2022-11-30 09:00:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ bsdfetch.c
-@@ -18,11 +18,13 @@
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
-+#include <limits.h>
-+#include <pwd.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/sysctl.h>
- #include <sys/utsname.h>
- #include <dlfcn.h>
--#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
-+#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__MidnightBSD__)
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sys/vmmeter.h>
- #include <vm/vm_param.h>
-@@ -32,6 +34,13 @@
- #ifdef __OpenBSD__
- #include "sysctlbyname.h"
- #include <sys/sensors.h>
-+#include <machine/cpu.h>
-+#include <machine/param.h>
-+#ifndef MAXCPUS
- #endif
- #define _PRG_NAME "bsdfetch"
-@@ -45,20 +54,12 @@
- #define _SILENT (void)
--#define LIBPKGSO "/lib/"
--struct pkgdb;
--struct pkgdb_it;
--typedef int (*pkg_init_fp)(const char *, const char*);
--typedef void (*pkg_shutdown_fp)(void);
--typedef int (*pkgdb_open_fp)(struct pkgdb **db, int type);
--typedef void (*pkgdb_close_fp)(struct pkgdb *db);
--typedef struct pkgdb_it *(*pkgdb_query_fp)(struct pkgdb *db,
--	const char *pattern, int type);
--typedef int (*pkgdb_it_count_fp)(struct pkgdb_it *);
- typedef unsigned int uint;
-+char buf[256] = {0};
-+size_t buf_size = 0;
-+int ret = 0;
- int color_flag = 1;
- static void die(int err_num, int line);
-@@ -95,70 +96,96 @@ static void show(const char *entry, cons
- }
- static void get_shell() {
--	show("Shell", getenv("SHELL"));
-+	char *sh;
-+	char *p;
-+	const char c = '/';
-+	uid_t uid = geteuid();
-+	struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(uid);
-+	if (getenv("SHELL")) {
-+		sh = getenv("SHELL");
-+	} else {
-+		if ((sh = getenv("SHELL")) == NULL || *sh == '\0') {
-+			if (pw == NULL)
-+				die(errno, __LINE__);
-+			sh = pw->pw_shell;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	if ((p = strrchr(sh, c)) != NULL && *(p+1) != '\0')
-+		sh = ++ p;
-+	show("Shell", sh);
- }
- static void get_user() {
--	show("User", getenv("USER"));
-+	char *user;
-+	uid_t uid = geteuid();
-+	struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(uid);
-+	if (getenv("USER")) {
-+		user = getenv("USER");
-+	} else {
-+		if ((user = getenv("USER")) == NULL || *user == '\0') {
-+			if (pw == NULL)
-+				die(errno, __LINE__);
-+			user = pw->pw_name;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	show("User", user);
- }
- static void get_cpu() {
--	size_t num_cpu_size = 0;
--	uint num_cpu = 0;
-+	size_t cpu_type_size = 0;
-+	uint ncpu = 0;
-+	uint ncpu_max = 0;
- 	char cpu_type[200] = {0};
--	char tmp[100] = {0};
--	num_cpu_size = sizeof(num_cpu);
--	if(sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &num_cpu, &num_cpu_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
-+	ncpu = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
-+	ncpu_max = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
-+	if (ncpu_max <= 0 || ncpu <= 0)
- 		die(errno, __LINE__);
--#if defined(__NetBSD__)
--	FILE *fc = NULL;
--	fc = popen("awk 'BEGIN{FS=\":\"} /model name/ { print $2; exit }' "
--                   "/proc/cpuinfo | sed -e 's/ @//' -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' "
--                   "| head -1 | tr -d '\\n'",
--                   "r");
--	if (fc == NULL)
--		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	fgets(cpu_type, sizeof(cpu_type), fc);
--	pclose(fc);
--	size_t cpu_type_size = 0;
- 	cpu_type_size = sizeof(char) * 200;
--	if(sysctlbyname("hw.model", &cpu_type, &cpu_type_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
--		die(errno, __LINE__);
-+	if(sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu_brand", &cpu_type, &cpu_type_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
-+		if(sysctlbyname("hw.model", &cpu_type, &cpu_type_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
-+			die(errno, __LINE__);
- 	show("CPU", cpu_type);
--	_SILENT sprintf(tmp, "%d", num_cpu);
-+	ret = snprintf(buf, MAXCPUS, "%d of %d processors online", ncpu, ncpu_max);
-+	if (ret < 0 || (size_t) ret >= MAXCPUS)
-+		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	show("Cores", tmp);
-+	show("Cores", buf);
- #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__MidnightBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
- 	for(uint i = 0; i < num_cpu; i++) {
--		size_t temperature_size = 0;
--		char buf[100] = {0};
--		int temperature = 0;
--		sprintf(buf, "dev.cpu.%d.temperature", i);
-+		size_t temp_size = 0;
-+		int temp = 0;
-+		int ret_t = 0;
-+		temp_size = sizeof(buf);
-+		ret_t = snprintf(buf, temp_size, "dev.cpu.%d.temperature", i);
-+		if (ret_t < 0 || (size_t) ret_t >= buf_size)
-+			die(errno, __LINE__);
--		temperature_size = sizeof(buf);
--		if(sysctlbyname(buf, &temperature, &temperature_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
-+		if(sysctlbyname(buf, &temp, &temp_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
- 			return;
- 		_SILENT fprintf(stdout, " %s->%s %sCore [%d]:%s %.1f °C\n",
- 						COLOR_RED, i + 1, COLOR_RESET,
--						(temperature * 0.1) - CELSIUS);
-+						(temp * 0.1) - CELSIUS;
- 	}
- #elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
- 	int mib[5];
- 	char temp[10] = {0};
- 	size_t size = 0;
-+	size_t temp_size = 0;
- 	struct sensor sensors;
-+	int ret_t = 0;
- 	mib[0] = CTL_HW;
- 	mib[1] = HW_SENSORS;
-@@ -167,186 +194,137 @@ static void get_cpu() {
- 	mib[4] = 0;
- 	size = sizeof(sensors);
-+	temp_size = sizeof(temp);
- 	if(sysctl(mib, 5, &sensors, &size, NULL, 0) < 0)
- 		return;
--	_SILENT sprintf(temp, "%d °C", (int)((float)(sensors.value - 273150000) / 1E6));
-+	ret_t = snprintf(temp, temp_size, "%d °C", (int)((float)(sensors.value - 273150000) / 1E6));
-+	if (ret_t < 0 || (size_t) ret_t >= temp_size)
-+		die(errno, __LINE__);
- 	show("CPU Temp", temp);
--static void get_loadavg() {
--	char tmp[20] = {0};
--	double *lavg = NULL;
-+#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
-+	const char del[] = ".";
-+	char *temp = "";
-+	int ret_t = 0;
--	lavg = malloc(sizeof(double) * 3);
-+	FILE *f = NULL;
-+	f = popen("/usr/sbin/envstat | awk '/cpu[0-9]/ {printf $3}'", "r");
-+	if (f == NULL)
-+		die(errno, __LINE__);
-+	if (fgets(buf, buf_size, f) != NULL)
-+		if ((temp = strtok(buf, del)) != NULL && *temp != '\0')
-+	if (pclose(f) != 0)
-+		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	(void)getloadavg(lavg, -1);
-+	ret_t = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%s °C", temp);
-+	if (ret_t < 0 || (size_t) ret_t >= buf_size)
-+		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	_SILENT sprintf(tmp, "%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf", lavg[0], lavg[1], lavg[2]);
-+	show("CPU Temp", buf);
--	show("Loadavg", tmp);
- }
--static void get_packages() {
--#if defined(__MidnightBSD__)
--	FILE *f = NULL;
--	char buf[10] = {0};
-+static void get_loadavg() {
-+	double lavg[3] = { 0.0 };
--	/*
--	  It might be better to use the mport stats functionality long term, but this
--	  avoids parsing.
--	*/
--	f = popen("/usr/sbin/mport list | wc -l | tr -d \"\n \"", "r");
--	if(f == NULL)
-+	(void)getloadavg(lavg, 3);
-+	ret = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf", lavg[0], lavg[1], lavg[2]);
-+	if (ret < 0 || (size_t) ret >= buf_size)
- 		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f);
--	pclose(f);
-+	show("Loadavg", buf);
--	show("Packages", buf);
--#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
--	int numpkg = 0;
--	void *libhdl = 0;
--	struct pkgdb *pdb = 0;
--	char buf[256];
--	size_t basesz = sizeof buf;
--	if (sysctlbyname("user.localbase", buf, &basesz, NULL, 0) < 0)
--	    goto done;
--	if (sizeof buf - basesz < sizeof LIBPKGSO - 1)
--	    goto done;
--	memcpy(buf + basesz - 1, LIBPKGSO, sizeof LIBPKGSO);
--	if (!(libhdl = dlopen(buf, RTLD_LAZY))) goto done;
--	pkg_init_fp p_init = (pkg_init_fp)dlsym(libhdl, "pkg_init");
--	if (!p_init) goto done;
--	pkg_shutdown_fp p_shutdown = (pkg_shutdown_fp)dlsym(
--		libhdl, "pkg_shutdown");
--	if (!p_shutdown) goto done;
--	pkgdb_open_fp pdb_open = (pkgdb_open_fp)dlsym(libhdl, "pkgdb_open");
--	if (!pdb_open) goto done;
--	pkgdb_close_fp pdb_close = (pkgdb_close_fp)dlsym(libhdl, "pkgdb_close");
--	if (!pdb_close) goto done;
--	pkgdb_query_fp pdb_query = (pkgdb_query_fp)dlsym(libhdl, "pkgdb_query");
--	if (!pdb_query) goto done;
--	pkgdb_it_count_fp pdb_it_count = (pkgdb_it_count_fp)dlsym(
--		libhdl, "pkgdb_it_count");
--	if (!pdb_it_count) goto done;
--	if (p_init("/", 0) != 0) goto done;
--	if (pdb_open(&pdb, 0) != 0) goto done;
--	struct pkgdb_it *it = pdb_query(pdb, 0, 0);
--	numpkg = pdb_it_count(it);
--	if (pdb) pdb_close(pdb);
--	if (libhdl)
--	{
--	    if (p_shutdown) p_shutdown();
--	    dlclose(libhdl);
--	}
--	sprintf(buf, "%d", numpkg);
--	show("Packages", buf);
--#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
-+static void get_packages() {
- 	FILE *f = NULL;
--	char buf[10] = {0};
-+	size_t npkg = 0;
--	/*
--		This is a little hacky for the moment. I don't
--		see another good solution to get the package
--		count on OpenBSD.
--		Still, this works fine.
--	*/
--	f = popen("/usr/sbin/pkg_info | wc -l | tr -d \"\n \"", "r");
-+#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
-+	f = popen("/usr/sbin/pkg_info", "r");
-+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || ( __DragonFly__)
-+	f = popen("/usr/sbin/pkg info", "r");
-+#elif defined( __MidnightBSD__)
-+	f = popen("/usr/sbin/mport list", "r");
-+	fprintf(stderr, "Could not determine BSD variant\n");
-+	die(errno, __LINE__);
- 	if(f == NULL)
- 		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f);
--	pclose(f);
--	show("Packages", buf);
--#elif defined( __DragonFly__)
--	char buf[10] ={0};
--	FILE *fp = NULL;
--	/**
--	 * Despite being a fork of FreeBSD 4.8, DragonFly doesn't share
--	 * same API level access. Here `pkg list` just list all the packages
--	 * from the local database.
--	*/
--	fp = popen("pkg list | wc -l | tr -d \"\n \"", "r");
--	if (fp == NULL)
-+	while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, f) != NULL)
-+		if (strchr(buf, '\n') != NULL)
-+			npkg++;
-+	if (pclose(f) != 0)
- 		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
--	pclose(fp);
-+	ret = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%zu", npkg);
-+	if (ret < 0 || (size_t) ret >= buf_size)
-+		die(errno, __LINE__);
- 	show("Packages", buf);
- }
- static void get_uptime() {
--	char buf[100] = {0};
- 	int up = 0;
--	int ret = 0;
-+	int res = 0;
- 	int days = 0;
- 	int hours = 0;
- 	int minutes = 0;
- 	struct timespec t;
-+	size_t tsz = sizeof t;
--#ifndef CLOCK_UPTIME
--	ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_UPTIME, &t);
--	if(ret == -1)
-+	if ((res = sysctlbyname("kern.boottime", &t, &tsz, NULL, 0)) == -1)
- 		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	up = t.tv_sec;
-+	up = time(NULL) - t.tv_sec + 30;
- 	days = up / 86400;
- 	up %= 86400;
- 	hours = up / 3600;
- 	up %= 3600;
- 	minutes = up / 60;
--	_SILENT sprintf(buf, "%dd %dh %dm", days, hours, minutes);
-+	ret = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%dd %dh %dm", days, hours, minutes);
-+	if (ret < 0 || (size_t) ret >= buf_size)
-+		die(errno, __LINE__);
- 	show("Uptime", buf);
- }
- static void get_memory() {
--	unsigned long long buf = 0;
-+	unsigned long long buff = 0;
- 	unsigned long long mem = 0;
--	char tmp[50] = {0};
--	size_t buf_size = 0;
--	buf_size = sizeof(buf);
-+	const long pgsize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
-+	const long pages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
--#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__MidnightBSD__)
--	if(sysctlbyname("hw.realmem", &buf, &buf_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
--		die(errno, __LINE__);
--#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
--	if(sysctlbyname("hw.physmem", &buf, &buf_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
--		die(errno, __LINE__);
--#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
--	if(sysctlbyname("hw.physmem64", &buf, &buf_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
-+	if (pgsize == -1 || pages == -1)
- 		die(errno, __LINE__);
-+	else
-+		buff = (uint64_t)pgsize * (uint64_t)pages;
--	mem = buf / 1048576;
-+	if (buff <= 0)
-+		die(errno, __LINE__);
-+	else
-+		mem = buff / 1048576;
--	_SILENT sprintf(tmp, "%llu MB", mem);
-+	ret = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%llu MB", mem);
-+	if (ret < 0 || (size_t) ret >= buf_size)
-+		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	show("RAM", tmp);
-+	show("RAM", buf);
- }
- static void get_hostname() {
- 	long host_size_max = 0;
--	char hostname[15] = {0};
-+	char hostname[_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX + 1];
--	host_size_max = sysconf(_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX);
-+	host_size_max = sysconf(_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX) + 1;
- 	if(gethostname(hostname, host_size_max) == -1)
- 		die(errno, __LINE__);
-@@ -354,20 +332,12 @@ static void get_hostname() {
- }
- static void get_arch() {
--	char buf[20] = {0};
--	size_t buf_size = 0;
--	buf_size = sizeof(buf);
-+	struct utsname un;
--#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__MidnightBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
--	if(sysctlbyname("hw.machine_arch", &buf, &buf_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
--		die(errno, __LINE__);
--#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
--	if(sysctlbyname("hw.machine", &buf, &buf_size, NULL, 0) == -1)
-+	if(uname(&un))
- 		die(errno, __LINE__);
--	show("Arch", buf);
-+	show("Arch", un.machine);
- }
- static void get_sysinfo() {
-@@ -400,6 +370,9 @@ static void usage() {
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-+	buf_size = sizeof(buf);
- 	int is_a_tty = 0;
- 	is_a_tty = isatty(1);
diff --git a/bsdfetch/patches/patch-sysctlbyname.c b/bsdfetch/patches/patch-sysctlbyname.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a441fd8f88..0000000000
--- a/bsdfetch/patches/patch-sysctlbyname.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Simplify checking for sizeof sysctl names. 
---- sysctlbyname.c.orig	2022-11-30 09:00:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ sysctlbyname.c
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ sysctlbyname(const char *name, void *old
- {
- 	int i, mib[2];
--	for (i = 0; i < (int) (sizeof(sysctlnames) / sizeof(sysctlnames[0])); i++) {
-+	for (i = 0; sysctlnames[i].name != NULL; i++) {
- 		if (!strcmp(name, sysctlnames[i].name)) {
- 			mib[0] = sysctlnames[i].mib0;
- 			mib[1] = sysctlnames[i].mib1;

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