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CVS commit: wip/py-cabocha

Module name:    wip
Committed by:   obache
Date:           Wed Jan 13 10:52:04 UTC 2010

Import into wip/py-cabocha

Log Message:
Import py25-cabocha-0.53 as wip/py-cabocha.

CaboCha is a Japanese dependency analysis machine based on Support Vector
Machines. It is (89.29%) system that accuracy is the highest as a statistical
Japanese dependency analysis machine as of June, 2001. Moreover, definite
analytical algorithm (Cascaded Chunking Model) that doesn't do back-track is
adopted, and an efficient analysis can be done comparatively.

This package is python module for CaboCha.


Vendor Tag:     OBACHE
Release Tags:   OBACHE_20100113
N wip/py-cabocha/Makefile
N wip/py-cabocha/PLIST
N wip/py-cabocha/DESCR

No conflicts created by this import

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