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Re: Unable to ci wip/Makefile

On 8/16/05, Julio M. Merino Vidal <> wrote:
> On 8/16/05, Mehul Sanghvi <> wrote:
> > > - WRKSRC defaults to ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME}, so you don't need to set it.
> >
> > Yup, that is true, but since I was setting PKGNAME to something
> > diffrent, it was needed.
> > Now that I've removed PKGNAME, it is not needed and so taken out.
> No.  WRKSRC is always derived from DISTNAME, so you don't need to
> set it even if you manually change PKGNAME.

While doing the work on vtwm, in one of the initial versions I had,
before I discovered
url2pkg, I had borrowed the Makefile from wm/tvtwm and also used ports2pkg as
a FreeBSD port already existed.

In one of those, I can't remember which one it was, I had set the
PKGNAME to vtwm
while the DISTNAME was vtwm-5.4.7.  While doing a make, the build was trying to
cd to work/vtwm which didn't exist, instead of work/vtwm-5.4.7,  since
vtwm untars into

Based on that experience, I was trying to be careful and make sure that the
build worked correctly, even if I had PKGNAME set to something
diffrent then DISTNAME.

What I was trying to do by setting the PKGNAME was to get the following effect:

     prompt# pkg_add vtwm

rather then having to do

    prompt# pkg_add vtwm-5.4.7

Is this incorrect behaviour for NetBSD/pkgsrc ? 



Mehul N. Sanghvi

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