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Re: Moving wip to Subversion

Greg Troxel wrote:
I agree with Grant.   Also, pkgsrc-wip isn't using lots of branches -
perhaps not any - so as far as I can tell we aren't experiencing pain
from running CVS.

Given that a change is being proposed, perhaps someone could explain
what benefits changing to subversion could be, address the downsides
that have been raised, and make an argument that it would be better.
Until there's a good argument, I think it's unreasonable to switch.

My personal experience with working on pkgsrc leads me to believe that we want to reorganize things at times, and move files and directories around within the pkgsrc tree; however, we avoid it or use the cumbersome "cvs remove/add" process because CVS has no command to do such a move. It would be nice to be able to get a continuous history of a file from its creation to the present. This is at least something that moving to Subversion would help.

Given that, I think as long as pkgsrc itself is in CVS, pkgsrc-wip should follow suit so as to minimize differences in usage, and so that we don't need to install Subversion just to use pkgsrc-wip.


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