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Re: Moving wip to Subversion

> However, I'd just like to point out that there are other distributed
> version control systems out there, and, if we were to move NetBSD
> and/or pkgsrc to another version control system, some of them would be
> just as good contenders:
> + subversion

Unless I have missed some major news, Subversion is not distributed.

> + monotone
> + opencm
> and my personal favourite:
> + svk

Last time I checked out svk it didn't seem to support a distributed model, 
except privately (i.e., I was not able to figure out a way to share branches 
among different people, and track commits/changes globally as opposed to just 
in my own depot). Has this changed?

While it is not such a big issue with pkgsrc-wip given that it is simple to 
obtain CVS access, I believe the single most important feature for the VCS of 
projects like pkgsrc and NetBSD is the distributed nature of its VCS (or lack 

If one could maintain private branches, everything would become so much easier 
for everybody - especially those without commit access (which is not an issue 
with pkgsrc-wip). Attempting to maintain a private branch over time is a 
total pain with CVS and that fact certainly isn't encouraging to wannabe 
contributors. If any switch is ever done I would hope all the effort is not 
expended on switching to something which is still non-distributed...

That said; if a switch *is* to ever happen for pkgsrc/NetBSD - might not 
pkgsrc-wip be a good place to test how well it works for the community?

I dream of a time where I can track NetBSD/pkgsrc/FreeBSD/whatever branches 
with zero effort using darcs or something with equal ease of distributed 
branch management.

/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

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