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Re: lcdproc

  I've resumed doing a bit of work on lcdproc, and was wondering how
  best to categorize it.  Is this something that fits in sysutils, or
  should I put it in misc?

It's not really a 'sysutil', although many uses of it might be.
I'd put it in misc.

  Or should I consider putting it in meta-pkgs, while splitting it into
  lcdproc-common, lcdproc-server, and lcdproc-client?

The meta-pkg doesn't answer the original question, which then becomes
where lcdproc-* belong.  Plus, we do have meta-packages like
sysutils/amanda that are with the rest of amanda.  It's a meta-pkg
technically, but only because amanda is split - this is different from a
package which gathers a bunch of things for some purpose like

Answering the "should lcdproc be split" question: there is no PLIST
wip/lcdproc, so it's hard to tell.  Generally, 4 packages instead of 1
is worse because there is more maintenance grief and user grief.  But,
it's good to be able to install parts if installing all would be
burdensome.  If there is a single 1K shell script in client and server,
and a common program in -common, there's no point.  If the client is
small, and there's some huge server, and you think a non-trivial number
of people would want only the client, then there's a reason.  amanda is
a good example, because most systems only install the client.

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