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Re: Separate subdir or category for "current" packages?

  I think that we have enough packages that track VCS repositories.
  These packages differ from the rest in two points:
  a) they're not going to enter pkgsrc ever;

I don't think this is true.  Their is a notion that pkgsrc is more
stable, but with some upstreams, like trac plugins, using a particular
svn revision is the closest thing you will ever get to a release.

  b) they're updated rather regulary and are almost always in "ready" state.

Because the svn/etc. revision is bumped frequently?  That's kind of like
frequent releases.

  I propose to mark them in some way or even move them from "wip" into
  separate subdirectory.  Opinions?

I don't understand exactly what you want to do, or what it would

What I think should happen (but I have not had enough Copious Spare
Time) is to clean up the etc. some (in particular, the
notion that PKGREVISION has to be set to 0, I think).  Then, move those
files into real pkgsrc, so that packages using them can be moved.

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