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Re: Status of tcl85/tk85


> since so far there's only Tcl 8.4 in lang, I wanted to ask what that
> status of Tcl/Tk 8.5 in wip might be. What's left to do?
> Is it possible to install multiple Tcl versions in parallel?
> (Also, Tcl 8.5 can be bumped from 8.5.10 to 8.5.11 if someone™ cares to
> do it)

The installation of wip/tcl85 fails because the PLIST references files
from an older 8.5 version. Updating to 8.5.11 and adjusting the PLIST
still has problems: it creates a with references to wip/tcl85
and it conflicts with lang/tcl. I have attached a copy of my tcl85
directory which installs tcl85 without any impact on an installed
lang/tcl, using ideas from lang/tcl and wip/tcl86. It installs most
things in /usr/pkg/tcl85 except bin/tclsh8.5 and those tcl files that fit
into Tcl's lib/tcl/8.5 directory scheme. The same should work for
wip/tk85. I only did some small tests but it seems to work fine. 

Have fun,


Attachment: tcl85-8.5.11.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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