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Re: pkgsrc NetBSD 6.0/x86_64 2013-06-05 09:18

On 10/06/2013, at 3:12 PM, OBATA Akio <> 

> On Mon, 10 Jun 2013 11:36:44 +0900, Aleksej Saushev <> 
> wrote:
>> "OBATA Akio" <> writes:
>>> On Mon, 10 Jun 2013 09:14:02 +0900, Jonathan Schleifer 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Am 10.06.2013 um 01:06 schrieb Krister Walfridsson:
>>>>> wip/objfw-git                      
>>>> Hm, I don't really get why it failed. Install worked fine, but package 
>>>> failed:
>>>>> => Creating binary package 
>>>>> /scratch/wip/objfw-git/work/.packages/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz
>>>>> ===> Building binary package for objfw-gitnb20130608
>>>>> => Creating binary package 
>>>>> /dsk3/pbulk/packages/xen5/All/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz
>>>>> /bin/ln -f /scratch/wip/objfw-git/work/.packages/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz 
>>>>> /dsk3/pbulk/packages/xen5/All/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz 2>/dev/null ||  
>>>>> /bin/cp -pf /scratch/wip/objfw-git/work/.packages/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz 
>>>>> /dsk3/pbulk/packages/xen5/All/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz
>>>>> pkg_add: no pkg found for 'objfw-gitnb20130605', sorry.
>>>>> pkg_add: 1 package addition failed
>>>> Why does it build objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz, but then tries to pkg_add 
>>>> objfw-gitnb20130605?
>>> Because of the differ of scan date and build date.
>> The package should have version nevetheless. Currently it is still
>> broken, even if though it builds for some.
> Packages should have {CVS,SVN,GIT,HG}_TAG, or such packages are not for 
> regular usage.
> Another solution is `set CHECKOUT_DATE at the date of starting bulk build'.

So I read the code in and maybe I can make a useful suggestion 
this time.

Surely the build of a package from Git should remember it's 
_GIT_TAG_FLAG.${repo} or similar? After all, you always want to install the 
version of the package you've just built and you always want to build the 
version of the package that you've just extracted. Nobody should have to 
remember when midnight occurs in someone else's timezone, which is the current 
situation. If this information is cached in ${WRKDIR} then it'll be erased with 
everything else by "make clean".

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