I'm not clear on xulrunner and how to deal with packges that need it. That might be good to bring up on tech-pkg, because xulrunner was recently removed from pkgsrc. Maybe that wasn't a good idea. wip/pandoc: wip/pandoc/Makefile" line 30: Could not find ../../wip/hs-binary/buildlink3.mk Please don't remove this one. pandoc is really necessary some times, and the root issue is the non-portability of haskell. So I suspect it just needs a working haskell environment. wip/davical-current: wip/davical-current/Makefile" line 139: Could not find ../../wip/php-libawl-git/Makefile.common For packages with dangling depdendencies, I think we should leave them, unless there's a reason they should be removed otherwise (known to be hopeless, really dead upstream, etc.) That could perhaps be changed to devel/php-libawl, after an udpate.
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