Subject: Perennial Gardening News
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List: port-acorn26
Date: 10/01/2003 17:59:18
Perennial Gardening News
From GardenGuides
Most of our subscribers can no longer receive this newsletter
in color because of the new spam filters, so we're going to try
delivering your newsletter in plain text for a while=2E =20
Follow this link to see the full color version:
In This Issue
- Hyacinths the Old Fashioned Way
- Propagating Caning Shrubs
- Fighting the Bambi Wars
- From Our Forum
- This Week at Wiser-Women=2Ecom
Come shop with us!
Seed Shop
Book Shop
Country Wisdom Bulletins
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Hyacinths the Old Fashioned Way
I love haunting antique shops and auctions to find containers=20
and cache pots for my plants=2E You can find all kinds of=20
interesting things that you just don't see anywhere else=2E=20
One of the things I found that most intrigued me was a glass=20
vessel with an interesting shaped neck, sort of like a modified=20
hourglass with an open top=2E The antiques dealer told me it was=20
called a hyacinth glass=2E=20
<a href=3D" http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/articles/hyacinths=2Ehtm "> ht=
tp://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/articles/hyacinths=2Ehtm </a>
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Propagating Caning Shrubs
It's easy to propagate caning plants such as Forsythia, Buddleja=20
alternifolia, Deutzia, and Philadelphus over the winter month! =20
Here's How:
- First, fill a large pot with good potting soil=2E This will be
a home for your new plant=2E
- Make a small wound in a stem at the point where it is about=20
the thickness of a pencil, and fasten the wounded section of=20
stem into your pot=2E Bury with an inch or two of soil=2E
- Your new plant will grow from the wound in the stem=2E Don't=20
detach the stem from the main plant until spring when the pot=20
has filled with roots=2E
Remember that caning shrubs should be pruned as soon as they=20
finish blooming=2E If you prune now, you will be removing the=20
flowering shoots the shrub has worked all summer to produce,=20
and you'll have a poor showing in the spring=2E =20
You can, however, remove individual branches that are taking=20
off in awkward directions, and you can thin out some of the older
branches=2E =20
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Buy Seeds in Bulk and Save
Did you know we have a growing inventory of seeds available in
2-oz, 4-oz and 1-lb packages at tremendous savings over the=20
regular packet price=3F These flowers are great for mass plantings,
large gardens, and wildflower meadows=2E Check the flower seed
department for a complete list of bulk seeds -
<a href=3D" http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/seedcatalog/flowers/flowers=2E=
htm "> http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/seedcatalog/flowers/flowers=2Ehtm <=
Rose Mallow
The large, stately, hibiscus-like flowers of the rose mallow=20
(also called tree mallow) bloom in shades of pink and white=20
from June to September=2E
<a href=3D" http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/seedcatalog/flowers/lavatera-b=
ulk=2Ehtm "> http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/seedcatalog/flowers/lavatera-=
bulk=2Ehtm </a>
Scarlet Flax
Here's a wonderful wildflower that will grow in any part of the=20
country=2E It does well in dry or moist areas, in full sun or=20
part shade=2E=20
<a href=3D" http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/seedcatalog/flowers/scarletfla=
x-bulk=2Ehtm "> http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/seedcatalog/flowers/scarle=
tflax-bulk=2Ehtm </a>
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Fighting the Bambi Wars=0D
I've been fighting the Bambi Wars on my five acre plot in=20
Colorado for twelve years, some years with more success than=20
Deer are a fact of life for gardeners in much of the country=2E=20
Unless you install a deer-resistant fence-that's eight feet=20
high, extend the wire below the soil, and electrify the top-
you're going to experience some deer damage to your plantings=2E=20
In years with severe winters, damage is extensive=2E In milder=20
years, the herd of 12 does and fawns which migrates through my=20
yard are much more selective in their tastes=2E=20=0D
Imagine how your garden looks to hungry deer=2E After a winter=20
spent browsing on twigs, deer think your lush green plants and=20
bushes are a gourmet smorgasbord=2E Your tulip buds and hybrid=20
tea roses are dessert=2E My tulips were planted for eight years=20
before they actually bloomed one year and I found out what=20
color they were=2E (Yellow=2E I thought I had planted red=2E)=0D
<a href=3D" http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/articles/bambi=2Ehtm "> http:/=
/www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/articles/bambi=2Ehtm </a>
Every time we mention deer in this newsletter I get a flood of=20
email from readers who want a list of deer resistant plants=2E =20
This time I'm way ahead of you! You can get your list here:
Notice that it's in PDF format=2E That means you'll have to=20
have acrobat reader to read the document=2E If you don't have
it I frankly don't know how you're getting by without it, but=20
the good news is that you can download it absolutely free here:
Also, please be aware that planting a deer resistant garden
isn't foolproof=2E A starving deer will eat almost anything,=20
and there is also the matter of taste=2E Just as some humans
will eat Brussels sprouts even though they are not starving,
you'll find that some deer will seem to enjoy things they=20
really shouldn't like=2E =20
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Cut fat and calories naturally! Refillable, Misto uses your oil=20
and sprays a thin coat of cooking oil - without chemicals,=20
propellants or the funky taste of cooking sprays=2E
<a href=3D" http://www=2Efabulousfoods=2Ecom/cgi-bin/store/index=2Ecgi=3F&=
pid=3D15&product=3DGadgets "> http://www=2Efabulousfoods=2Ecom/cgi-bin/sto=
re/index=2Ecgi=3F&pid=3D15&product=3DGadgets </a>
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could somebody tell me a little more about insectacidal soap=20
for houseplants, how often it can be used and so on=2E
<a href=3D" http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Ephp=3Fthrea=
did=3D7567 "> http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Ephp=3Fthr=
eadid=3D7567 </a>
I seem to have a yummy flower garden! The earwigs are dining on=20
everything=2E Anyone have a clue how to keep these things a way=3F
Has to be pet friendly=2E=20
<a href=3D" http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Ephp=3Fthrea=
did=3D7316 "> http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Ephp=3Fthr=
eadid=3D7316 </a>
Fall Decorating Ideas
<a href=3D" http://www=2Echamomiletimes=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Ephp=3Fs=3D=
&threadid=3D852 "> http://www=2Echamomiletimes=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Eph=
p=3Fs=3D&threadid=3D852 </a>
Autumn Soul Snacks
<a href=3D" http://www=2Echamomiletimes=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Ephp=3Fs=3D=
&threadid=3D851 "> http://www=2Echamomiletimes=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Eph=
p=3Fs=3D&threadid=3D851 </a>
Shrunken Heads
<a href=3D" http://www=2Echamomiletimes=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Ephp=3Fs=3D=
&threadid=3D835 "> http://www=2Echamomiletimes=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Eph=
p=3Fs=3D&threadid=3D835 </a>
<a href=3D" http://www=2Echamomiletimes=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Ephp=3Fs=3D=
&threadid=3D833 "> http://www=2Echamomiletimes=2Ecom/forum/showthread=2Eph=
p=3Fs=3D&threadid=3D833 </a>
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New on the bookshelf
The Harmonious Garden
Are you stumped when it comes to selecting plants for a=20
grouping=3F This unique and practical guide demystifies=20
color, form, and texture, and it's loaded with full color=20
photographs to illustrate each composition=2E =20
<a href=3D" http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/books/harmoniousgarden=2Ehtm">=
http://www=2Egardenguides=2Ecom/books/harmoniousgarden=2Ehtm </a>
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This Week at Wiser-Women
A Few Good Followers
<a href=3D" http://www=2Ewiser-women=2Ecom/modules=2Ephp=3Fname=3DNews&fil=
e=3Darticle&sid=3D90 "> http://www=2Ewiser-women=2Ecom/modules=2Ephp=3Fnam=
e=3DNews&file=3Darticle&sid=3D90 </a>
Pickle Green or Passionate Puce=3F How to select the right color=20
for your room!
<a href=3D" http://www=2Ewiser-women=2Ecom/modules=2Ephp=3Fname=3DNews&fil=
e=3Darticle&sid=3D91 "> http://www=2Ewiser-women=2Ecom/modules=2Ephp=3Fnam=
e=3DNews&file=3Darticle&sid=3D91 </a>
Mental Imagery for Overcoming Insomnia
<a href=3D" http://www=2Ewiser-women=2Ecom/modules=2Ephp=3Fname=3DNews&fil=
e=3Darticle&sid=3D92 "> http://www=2Ewiser-women=2Ecom/modules=2Ephp=3Fnam=
e=3DNews&file=3Darticle&sid=3D92 </a>
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