Subject: Re: config for new kernel - wont
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-acorn32
Date: 10/06/2002 23:48:10
Hiya Al,
On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 01:13:46PM -0600, Al McGarty wrote:
> I just updated my src and tried to build a current kernel.
> I'm afraid I didn't get very far as it came up with the error
> .....conf/majors.acorn32:6: syntax error
> when I tried to config RPC_WSCONS.
Hmm... you updated -current? or did you update 1.6-release? Reading the
error i think you used -current for there has been changes in the device
attachment tables.
Anyway i think that you need to rebuild /usr/sbin/configure; its found in
either syssrc/usr.sbin/config or src/usr.sbin/config for `config' is
changing a lot lately. Do make a backup copy of it just in case.
So just rebuild `configure', delete the old goo in
sys/arch/acorn32/compile/RPC_WSCONS and try again!
(portmaster NetBSD/Acorn32)