Subject: Re: latex still segfaulting
To: Frank Wennmohs <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-acorn32
Date: 10/25/2002 16:03:34
Hiya Frank,

On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 08:17:51AM +0200, Frank Wennmohs wrote:
> Sorry to bother you again but I can't get
> latex running, and I use it quite often.
> After updating to 1.6I it's now segfaulting during
> compilation.

Hu ?? hmm... well euhm... i build it just now from scratch and it compiles
fine. The only thing i ran into is memory shortage and thus taking ages
waiting for L1 pagetables that don't come free :( This is a known problem
and inherent to the ARM processors that really needs attention and be fixed
one day; its not trivial though.

I `solved' this by splitting up the build into subpackages i.e. first 
compiling `perl' and all its dependencies and then teTeX itself.

I could tar it up for you using `pkgtar' if you like?
