Subject: Re: Unipod Support on NetBSD
To: Ben Harris <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-acorn32
Date: 06/14/2006 23:18:43
On Wed, 14 Jun 2006, Ben Harris wrote:
> In article <20060613184839.GA421@fserver.home> you write:
>> Does anyone know if the Stuart Tyrell Developments 'Unipod' works under NetBSD
>> -- or better still anyone actually using it routinely?
> It's not supported. I wouldn't be surprised if getting at least the IDE
> support going were fairly simple, but I've not looked and unfortunately I'm
> not likely to get time to do so soon.
Is there anyone else likely to have the time to look at getting
one supported if they had one? I'm happy to contribute towards
getting one (permanently) into the hands of someone who wanted
to look at getting at least some of the functions supported.
Further to that, if one were supported who else might get one?
(This may help when getting specs and suchlike from stdevel).
David/absolute -- No hype required --