Subject: RE: NetBSD on Alpha XL 300?
To: 'Matt Thomas' <>
From: Oliver Fehr <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/05/1996 20:02:36
Could you elaborate more on the differences between AlphaXL and =
AlphaStations as far as architecture is concerned?
Concerning the Matrox Card, I made the same experience with FreeBSD on a =
Celebris XL, which comes with Matrox, and had to buy a commercial X =
Server from xinside. Anything like that for the Alpha-Port of NetBSD.


From: 	Matt Thomas[]
Sent: 	Friday, July 05, 1996 07:48 PM
To: 	Oliver Fehr
Subject: 	Re: NetBSD on Alpha XL 300?=20

In  <> , you wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm thinking of buying an Alpha XL 300. Does NetBSD run on these =
> Is the new processor supported in NetBSD and OpenBSD, and what about =
> software? I'm also not sure if there is an X Server supporting the =
> card. Can someone give me some information on that?

The Alpha XL's don't support the SRM console which is required for=20
NetBSD/alpha.  (Linux has it's own private PALcode which allows to avoid
this problem).  The Matrox card is not supported by XFree86 so it's not
usable as well.

Matt Thomas               Internet:
3am Software Foundry      WWW URL:    =
Westford, MA              Disclaimer: I disavow all knowledge of this =