Subject: NetBSD sup-patch.
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Feico Dillema <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/04/1996 12:42:27
Thanks for the help to my previous question about building NetBSD-
current. It's nicely up and running now, thanks. However, in order
to sup all the sources I needed to do some patch-work on the sources
of sup. I couldn't find a alpha-version of it. Could somebody tell
me whether it already exists or not. If not, I could make my patches
available and try to clean them up and complete them (the current status
is just; it's usable and doesn't core-dump (everytime ;} ).
Would it be a good idea to set up a separate mailing list for NetBSD
{ Feico Dillema, }
{ Faculty of Computer Science / TIOS, Phone UT: +31.53.4894099 }
{ University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands }
{ ........ Look! Windows'95. But kids, don't try this at home ......... }