Subject: Re: crippled alpha processors
To: Carl S Shapiro <>
From: Chris G Demetriou <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/18/1996 01:24:59
> It seems Digital will be producing Digital UNIX capable and NON-Digital
> UNIX capable processors soon. The NON-Digital UNIX capable processors
> will not be able to run the SRM console firmware.
Processors, or systems? DEC has produced systems for quite some time
which don't support the SRM console firmware. I don't know how they
_could_ produce processors which don't, without seriously changing the
alpha architecture.
> Is anyone producing a NetBSD equivlant of milo to solve this forth coming
> problem?
Not that I know of.
I have absolutely no intention of personally doing so. People are
welcome to do so, and i'd be happy if they did, but quite frankly it's
a huge amount of work, and _i_ am not keen on even maintaining it.
(It's the type of thing where whoever does it would end up getting an
account on the netbsd development machines, would be told to check the
code in, and would be given 'ownership' of that chunk of the source