Subject: does sup build now?
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/29/1996 15:50:48
I can't seem to build sup, there are numerous errors related to
va_list/varargs. An example is supcmeat.c (line 825):
static int recvone (t,v)
register TREE *t;
void *v;
va_list ap = v;
int x = 0;
int new;
struct stat sbuf;
int *recvmore = va_arg(ap,int *);
The error is "invalid initializer."
I did a complete 'make build' last night, but I haven't rebuilt the
toolchain. (from cygnus.tar.gz) Is this what I am missing? Or is sup
just not ready for primetime? For now my i386 just NFS mounts my alpha
and runs sup, but I would prefer to run sup natively. Then I can build
a CVS repository on the alpha, which has more disk space.. :)
If sup does indeed build on NetBSD/alpha, perhaps someone could put
binaries on (/pub/NetBSD/sup/binaries)